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Allocating Economic Capital to Drive Business Decisions

Source: 2014 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Terri Dalenta, Don Mango, Tim Borst

General Session: Overview and Outlook for the P/C Insurance Industry

Source: 2014 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Steven Weisbart

What Actuaries Need to Know About Data Science

Please note that the presentation is available by contacting the speaker directly at
Source: 2014 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Jeremy D. Achin

Professionalism Session – Actuarial Standards Board Presentation

Source: 2014 Regional Affiliate - CAMAR
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Albert J. Beer

Use of GLM to Smooth and Extrapolate Development Patterns

As a follow-up to the CAS Tail Factor Working Party session at the Spring Meeting, this session with provide a more basic analysis of the England and Verrall Method as viewed in terms of generalized linear modeling. A demonstration will be provided to show how this type of modeling can assist in estimating tail factors.
Source: 2014 Regional Affiliate - CAMAR
Type: affiliate
Panelists: David R. Clark

CAS Open Source Committee / R Presentation

This session will provide a brief introduction to R and several examples showing actuarial applications using R including collective risk modeling, use of Fast Fourier Transforms and some graphics.
Source: 2014 Regional Affiliate - CAMAR
Type: affiliate
Panelists: David Homer

Work of the Open Source Committee

This session will cover some of the activities that members of the CAS Open Source Committee have undertaken using R, such as the Loss Simulation Model and MRMR package.
Source: 2014 Regional Affiliate - CAMAR
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Steven L. Berman

ERM and the Future of the CAS

Don Mango, CAS Board member, will (i) provide an update on CAS Board activities, and (ii) engage in an open dialogue with members regarding some of the most pressing emerging issues and risks facing the CAS. Audience participation is a must!
Source: 2014 Regional Affiliate - CAMAR
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Don Mango

Professionalism Session – Precept 13 of the Code of Conduct – Your Responsibilities and Resolution Skills to Assist You

Mike Toothman, a Past President of the CAS and a former member of the ABCD, will provide a brief discussion of Precept 13 of the Code of Conduct, focusing on your responsibilities under Precept 13 and some of the issues that arise when trying to meet those responsibilities. Emphasis will be placed on the suggestion made within the precept that an actuary attempt to resolve the apparent Code violation with a discussion with the actuary whose work or behavior is in question. Don Spooner, a professional conflict coach and mediator, will provide guidance and suggestions on how to prepare for and handle such discussions whether you’re the initiator or responding to an inquiry concerning a potential violation of the Code of Conduct.
Source: 2014 Regional Affiliate - CAMAR
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Michael L. Toothman, Donald M. Spooner

Perspectives on Excess Casualty Loss Development

Projection of ultimate losses for long-tail lines of business, particularly on an excess of loss basis, presents a challenge for a reinsurance actuary. There is rarely enough relevant data to deal with the tail, and an actuary frequently finds themselves in a situation where they need to rely on industry benchmarks. This session will present, compare and contrast benchmarks created based on reinsurers’ claims data (RAA) and those built on layered primary data by ISO. The panel will discuss data and approaches used in developing the excess loss development benchmarks, and associated advantages and limitations.
Source: 2014 Regional Affiliate - CAMAR
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Don Yahalom, Michael Christian

P/C Industry Outlook

Rating personnel from the P/C department will discuss A.M. Best's perspective on the state of the industry in 2014 and beyond. Current issues facing the underwriting cycle, financial trends and A.M. Best's outlooks in the commercial and personal lines segments will be highlighted.
Source: 2014 Regional Affiliate - CAMAR
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Gerard Altonji, Greg Williams

Tail Factor Working Party

This session will present the findings of the CAS Committee on Reserves Tail Factor Working Party’s comprehensive review of tail factor estimation methods.
Source: 2014 Regional Affiliate - CAMAR
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Nancy Arico

Casualty Cats and Emerging Issues

Understanding and modeling casualty catastrophes. This session will discuss emerging issues that warrant monitoring as potential future casualty catastrophes. An overview of sources of information including the evolution of policy wordings, especially as it affects insured loss, will be discussed. The second panelist will present a framework for quantifying casualty risk. Both speakers will discuss the challenges and approaches for casualty modeling. Discussion will include actuarial methodology and the catastrophe modeling framework as applied to casualty catastrophe risk.
Source: 2014 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Tim McCarthy

Business Intelligence

Analytics and modelling are exploding, as the business community embraces new information flows and the value of data driven decision making. Actuaries have long held data-centric worldviews, and are well positioned to lead the next generation of insight discovery at insurers. However, at many insurers’ Actuarial Effectiveness is limited by out of date technology, labor intensive manual and/or ad hoc data production, opaque data presentation, and cultural resistance to widespread access to actuarial work products. Business Intelligence (BI) applications are at the nexus of these challenges. This session explores the Actuary’s role in driving modernization at the insurer by examining technological and business process BI issues including data management, information presentation, dashboards, and business user training.
Source: 2014 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Tony Beirne

Allocating Economic Capital to Drive Business Decisions - See more at:

A methodology for allocating capital based to business segments will be presented and discussed, with broad application across P&C insurance products. In addition, specific examples of applications of the methodology will be presented, with discussion around business decision making impact and executive level acceptance.
Source: 2014 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Don Mango, Tim Borst

Professionalism/Use Of Models

"Modeling" is a broad subject area, and the Actuarial Standards Board recently attempted to prescribe guidance for it with their Exposure Draft for an Actuarial Standard of Practice on Modeling. In this session we will consider what the draft proposed, reactions, and how it may impact actuarial work if implemented.
Source: 2014 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Kathy Garrigan

Asset Liability Management and ERM

This session will consider issues in ALM/ERM related to inflation, liquidity, timing-risk, and tail scenarios. Discussion will cover corporate bonds, municipal bonds, treasuries, tips, and mortgage-backed securities. We will also consider events that have the potential to impact both sides of a P&C (re)insurer's balance sheet, including stagflation, catastrophes, and corporate bankruptcies.
Source: 2014 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Jim Maher

Economic Issues

This presentation will provide a comprehensive overview and outlook for the property/casualty insurance industry. With 2014 largely in the rear view mirror and 2015 just around the corner, the presentation will review trends, challenges and opportunities facing the industry. Topics of discussion include profitability, underwriting performance, financial market influences (including the challenge of persistently low interest rates), catastrophe loss trends, capacity and the growth of alternative capital in reinsurance markets. The presentation will also examine opportunities for growth driven by economic and other factors. Data for many key performance metrics will be presented on an industry aggregate, by line and regional basis.
Source: 2014 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Steve Weisbart

Professionalism Considerations for Usage-Based Auto Insurance

The emergence of usage-based auto insurance (UBI) is challenging actuaries to make decisions based on sparse or heterogeneous data in order to get their programs to market. UBI also often involves predictive modeling, with some models requiring expertise beyond traditional actuarial subject matter (e.g., traffic safety). Finally, UBI model realizations may not align precisely with how actuaries traditionally envision risk classification. In this session we will evaluate how the actuarial principles and standards of practice apply to various elements of professionalism in the evolving world of UBI.
Source: 2014 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Jim Weiss

Update on Recent CAS activities

This session will provide an update on issues currently being addressed by the CAS Board. This will include discussion on the biggest opportunities and threats to the CAS and our profession and what the Board is doing to address these items. The presentation is designed to be interactive and attendees will have a chance to ask questions during the session.
Source: 2014 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Anne M. Conway

Report Card on Reserve Adequacy: A+ or C-

Loss reserving has been a fundamental element of actuarial practice and financial reporting for insurance companies for many years. The actuarial literature includes countless papers describing methods and data for evaluating unpaid claim estimates. So, while acknowledging that the reserves represent estimates, how well have those estimates performed with the benefit of hindsight? This presentation will provide perspectives on historical and current reserve adequacy by line of business; in addition, the presenters will discuss key drivers and whether they are common across lines or relevant to one or a subset of lines. Is the phenomenon of adverse and favorable development of prior estimates pre-destined? Can practitioners improve upon the historical report card?
Source: 2014 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Timothy Landick, Lela Patrik

Use of Claims Analytics in Actuarial Work

Given the close nexus between the Actuarial and Claims functions in any risk bearing entity, Alan and John will explore the benefits of the coordination between actuaries and claims professionals. They will provide concrete examples of effective coordination in the resolution of case basis reserve anomalies caused by operational and systemic changes in the claims function. The presenters will also discuss some of the emerging risks that all actuaries should be aware of.
Source: 2014 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Alan Hines, John Murphy

AIR’s U.S. Severe Thunderstorm Model and U.S. Flood Model

In 2014, AIR will release a comprehensive update to its U.S. severe thunderstorm model as well as its brand new inland flood model for the U.S. In this session AIR will discuss advances in our approach to severe thunderstorm event generation that uses meteorological parameters to augment the statistical approach to event frequencies, and the development of expanded event catalogs featuring enhanced simulation of daily activity and “non-cat” events. These improvements are based on a decade’s worth of new data and scientific research, including damage data collected and analyzed by AIR engineers following major outbreaks in 2008, 2011, and 2013. Without the detailed modeling tools that are available for other modeled perils, inland flood has long been considered one of the most difficult perils to insure. AIR will present a high-level overview of the model and its features, and dive into how the model overcomes the significant challenges to creating realistic events over a land mass as large as the U.S., including the use of state-of-the-art precipitation modeling.
Source: 2014 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Brandie Andrews

New York State Workers Compensation Costs

This presentation will provide an examination of the New York Workers Compensation market, including a review of recent law changes and the effects of these changes on workers compensation costs for both insured and self-insured companies.
Source: 2014 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Eric Hornick

How Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Change the Game for Insurance Professionals

Jamie Bisker, Senior Analyst of P&C Insurance at Aite Group, will discuss the impact of big data and artificial intelligence upon the insurance industry and the possible implications for actuaries.
Source: 2014 Regional Affiliate - BACE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Jamie Bisker