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Risk Based Capital - "So Many Models…"

Some RBC models are formula-based, some are stochastic, but it seems like everyone (NAIC, A.M. Best, S&P, insurers) has their own version. With so many different models, are any of them "right"? This session will start with a review of both formula-based and stochastic models, including approaches to parameterization. Following this review will be a discussion of current research on risks facing insurance companies and the effectiveness of both types of models in reflecting these risks and their potential implications for solvency.
Source: 2008 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate,general
Panelists: Gerald Kirschner, Stephen Lowe
Keywords: Risk Based Capital, stochastic models

Professionalism - Peer Reviews - Are We Doing Everything We Should?

The American Academy of Actuaries' Committee on Professionalism Responsibility recently published a white paper on Peer Reviews. It covers such topics as what is a peer review? Why are they necessary? When should a peer review be required? What qualifications should a peer reviewer have? What is the peer reviewer's role? At a time when actuaries are subject to more and more litigation, the subject of peer reviews has become more and more critical. This speaker will discuss the AAA's recent paper and offer some insights of his own.
Source: 2008 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Jeff Kucera
Keywords: Professionalism

Evaluating Reinsurance Pricing and Optimization from Cedants' Perspective

Reinsurance is one of the largest non-payroll expenses of insurance companies. This session will explore the rationale for such purchases, review various approaches to measuring the efficacy to the ceding company of such purchases and suggest ways of weighing cost/benefit trade-offs of competing risk transfer/retention options.
Source: 2008 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Jonathan Hayes
Keywords: Reinsurance, Pricing and Optimization

Effective Predictive Modeling - Data, Analytics, and Practice Management

Actuaries have long been building models to predict process outcomes - Trends, Development, Rating Factors, and Claims Processing, being examples of just a few. However, with increasing exposure to, and availability of, machine learning and statistical modeling methodologies, data mining tools, diverse sources of data, and storage/processing bandwidth, there is now an unparalleled opportunity to significantly enhance the effectiveness of predictive modeling practices. This session will concentrate on the key aspects that underlie successful predictive modeling implementations - data handling, analytical processes and techniques, and the overall management of modeling initiatives. Examples and references will be provided to illustrate best practices.
Source: 2008 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Richard Derrig, Karthik Balakrishnan
Keywords: Predictive Modeling, Data, Analytics, and Practice Management

The Role Actuaries Play in Mergers and Acquisitions

Actuaries play pivotal roles in mergers & acquisitions. The panel will discuss how potential buyers utilize actuaries to "kick the tires" of a possible merger or acquisition. While most due diligences begin with reserves analysis, other analyses are often performed. These can include capital modeling, pro-forma balance sheets, valuations, etc.
Source: 2008 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate
Moderators: Richard Anderson
Panelists: Thomas Myers, Sean Martin
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions

Dispelling the Fog

There's been a lot of talk at recent seminars about IFRS, ERM, Capital Management, Solvency II, and other similar concepts. While these topics seem to frequently work their way into discussions in one way or another, it is likely that not everyone really understands them or their potential impact on what we do as actuaries. The purpose of the session is (1) to dispel the fog surrounding these various concepts, (2) to help people understand how these concepts are all interrelated, and (3) to explain what these rapidly evolving fields mean to the actuaries in the various affected organizations. This panel includes subject matter experts on ERM, Solvency II, and IFRS. Also represented will be the view from a Company.
Source: 2008 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate,general
Moderators: Richard Anderson
Panelists: Michael Wacek, MaryEllen Coggins, Thomas Genrich
Keywords: IFRS, ERM, Capital Management, Solvency II

Price Optimization and Demand Modeling

Source: 2008 Regional Affiliate - SWAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Lee Bowron
Keywords: price optimization, modeling

Workers Compensation - New Developments in Development

Source: 2008 Regional Affiliate - SWAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Tom Daley
Keywords: workers compensation

TCU Update

Source: 2008 Regional Affiliate - SWAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Nicole Elliott
Keywords: TCU

Measuring Risk

Source: 2008 Regional Affiliate - SWAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Gordon Zitkovic
Keywords: measuring risk

The Actuarial Foundation

Source: 2008 Regional Affiliate - SWAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Dave Cummings
Keywords: actuarial foundation

Revised Qualification Standards

Source: 2008 Regional Affiliate - SWAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Catherine Taylor
Keywords: qualification standards, revised qualification standards

Let's Not Miss the Low Hanging Fruit (How Best to Position the Casualty Actuarial Profession to Meet the Latest Challenges)

Source: 2008 Regional Affiliate - SWAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Kenneth Quintilian
Keywords: casualty actuary, reputation

News You Can Use? The New Seattle Urban Seismic Hazard Maps

Source: 2008 Regional Affiliate - CANW
Type: affiliate
Keywords: earthquake

Estimating Reserve Ranges: Practical Suggestions

Source: 2008 Regional Affiliate - CANW
Type: affiliate
Keywords: reserve, estimating reserves

Current CAS Issues and Directions

Source: 2008 Regional Affiliate - CANW
Type: affiliate
Keywords: issues and directions, CAS update

Personal Auto Securitization

Source: 2008 Regional Affiliate - CANW
Type: affiliate
Keywords: automobile, personal auto, securitization

Principal Components Analysis

Source: 2008 Regional Affiliate - CANW
Type: affiliate
Keywords: prinicpal components, analysis

Inflation and monetary policy: Where have we come from and where are we going?

Source: 2008 Regional Affiliate - CANW
Type: affiliate
Keywords: inflation, monetary policy

Impact of the Financial Market Difficulties on the Professional Liability Market

Nick Durant will provide an overview of the Directors and Officers (D&O) and Errors and Omissions (E&O)markets with a focus on the impact to these coverages from the subprime crisis and subsequent financial market upheaval.
Source: 2008 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Nick Durant
Keywords: D&O, Directors and Officers, Errors and Omissions, E&O

Using Enterprise Risk Management to Create and Manage Value

Tired of hearing vague promises that ERM "adds value" in some unspecified way? Bill Panning from Willis will present a specific demonstration of how ERM, properly extended and implemented, can indeed do so.
Source: 2008 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Bill Panning
Keywords: ERM, Create and Manage Value

The ABCs of the Actuarial Board for Counseling and Discipline

Mike Toothman, a member of the Actuarial Board for Counseling and Discipline (ABCD), will describe the function and operations of the ABCD and answer questions regarding this critical function in the self-regulation of the actuarial profession. He will also lead the attendees through hypothetical case studies similar to cases handled by the ABCD.
Source: 2008 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Mike Toothman
Keywords: Actuarial Board for Counseling and Discipline, ABCD

Understanding the MGA and Program Business Market

Barbara Beer, a reinsurance underwriter from PartnerRe Ltd., Chris Gallagher, Chief Underwriting Officer of Hudson Programs, and Michael Jaffe, an executive whose company has a MGA subsidiary, will discuss the structure and role of MGAs and Program Business in the property/casualty insurance marketplace. This session will broaden the knowledge of the attendees about a part of the market that provides a valuable mechanism to insure hard to place risks.
Source: 2008 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Chris Gallagher, Barbara Beer
Keywords: reinsurance, underwriter, property/casualty insurance, insure hard to place risks

Predictive Modeling in Property/Casualty Insurance

Predictive modeling is being applied to many different aspects of property/casualty insurance such as pricing, underwriting and reserving. The explanatory power of models can be increased when using the proper statistical model. Glenn Meyers from ISO will share his insights about the use of predictive modeling in property/casualty insurance.
Source: 2008 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Glenn Meyers
Keywords: Predictive modeling

Proposed CAS Continuing Education Standard

Ken Quintilian, CAS Vice President - Administration will provide arguments in favor of a universal continuing education standard for the CAS.
Source: 2008 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Kenneth Quintilian