
CAS News, Event Updates, Global Updates, Membership / Notices to Members, Professional Education
The Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) invites you to be a part of the upcoming Second Annual China Insurance Summit taking place in Beijing on November 17, 2023. This will be a hybrid event, attracting actuaries, academics, and general insurance professionals from all over China, Hong Kong, and beyond. We welcome your proposals for engaging presentations on matters currently impacting the general insurance market. In-person presentations are preferred, but virtual sessions may also be considered. Sessions may be conducted in Mandarin or English.
IAA Webinar
Diversity, Global Updates, Membership / Notices to Members
Join the International Actuarial Association (IAA) and the CAS on September 1st* to celebrate International Actuaries Day 2023: The Actuarial Planet - Extending our Wings.
Global Updates, Membership / Notices to Members
The CAS is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a research paper which studies and discusses the actuarial considerations associated with IFRS-17 implementation for general insurers in Asia.
Event Updates, Global Updates, Membership / Notices to Members
In late May, actuaries from around the world will travel to Sydney, Australia to participate in the 2023 International Congress of Actuaries. Many CAS members are planning to be in attendance, and CAS President Roosevelt Mosley, FCAS, will be featured as a keynote speaker at the event.
CAS News, Exams & Admissions, Global Updates, Membership / Notices to Members
CAS is transitioning to once-a-year testing for Exam 6-International to keep in line with current demand.
CAS News, Global Updates
On December 9, the CAS hosted a day-long virtual summit, covering a wide variety of topics impacting actuaries practicing in China.
CAS News, Diversity, Global Updates, Membership / Notices to Members