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State of the Workers Compensation Market and Recent Experience Rating Changes

Source: 2013 Regional Affiliate - CASE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Tony DiDonato

Heteroskedasticity in Loss Reserving

Source: 2013 Regional Affiliate - CASE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Brian Fannin

Washington State Group Retrospective Rating Plan

Bill and Russell will explore the thirty-year history of group retrospective rating in Washington State’s workers’ compensation insurance system, highlighting the development of and change to using hazard grouping on a group basis, and other unique features of the Washington system.
Source: 2013 Regional Affiliate - CANW
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Bill Vasek

The Transformation of the UK Actuarial Profession, or Remaining Relevant in a Changing World?

Adrian will consider how the UK Profession’s responses to life and pension industry challenges since 1980 have arguably diminished its public relevance and standing. However, there may be hope for the future.
Source: 2013 Regional Affiliate - CANW
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Adrian Saunders

Report Card on Reserve Adequacy: A+ or C-

Loss reserving has been a fundamental element of actuarial practice and actuarial literature includes countless papers describing methods and data for evaluating unpaid claim estimates. So, while acknowledging that the reserves represent estimates, how well have those estimates performed with the benefit of hindsight?
Source: 2013 Regional Affiliate - CANW
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Kevin Wick

PEBELS, Policy Exposure Based Excess Loss Smoothing

PEBELS is a method for segmenting property risks based on their relative exposure to “large” losses, method builds in flexibility for the user to define what constitutes a “large” loss. The paper lays out the context in which PEBELS was developed, the technical challenges that PEBELS overcomes, and finishes with a short survey of applications that can benefit from PEBELS.
Source: 2013 Regional Affiliate - CANW
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Marquis Moehring

Social Media Analytics

Social media has become an integral part of most people’s lives. With the growth in its use, there has also been a substantial growth in the amount of information generated by users of social media. As a result, businesses are taking advantage of this shift and attempting to determine how to use social media information to drive business. Insurers are making significant investments in social media as well, but as is the case with other industries, insurers are not systematically analyzing the valuable information that is resulting from their investments. This session discusses the application of correlation, clustering, and association analyses to social media text data. This will demonstrated by showing the results of an ongoing analysis of over 2 million insurance Twitter posts. The results of these analyses help identify keywords and concepts in the social media data, and can facilitate the application of this information by insurers. As insurers analyze this information and apply the results of the analysis in relevant areas, they will be able to proactively address potential market and customer issues more effectively.
Source: 2013 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: general, affiliate
Moderators: Dragica Grbavac

Social Media Analytics

Social media has become an integral part of most people’s lives. With the growth in its use, there has also been a substantial growth in the amount of information generated by users of social media. As a result, businesses are taking advantage of this shift and attempting to determine how to use social media information to drive business. Insurers are making significant investments in social media as well, but as is the case with other industries, insurers are not systematically analyzing the valuable information that is resulting from their investments. This session discusses the application of correlation, clustering, and association analyses to social media text data. This will demonstrated by showing the results of an ongoing analysis of over 2 million insurance Twitter posts. The results of these analyses help identify keywords and concepts in the social media data, and can facilitate the application of this information by insurers. As insurers analyze this information and apply the results of the analysis in relevant areas, they will be able to proactively address potential market and customer issues more effectively.
Source: 2013 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: general
Moderators: Dragica Grbavac

Overview and Outlook for the P/C Insurance Industry

This presentation will provide a comprehensive overview and outlook for the P/C insurance industry amid ongoing global economic uncertainty and volatility as well as near-record catastrophe losses. Industry premium and exposure growth, profitability, underwriting and investment performance trends will be reviewed in the context of the current economic and political outlook.
Source: 2013 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: general, affiliate
Moderators: Dragica Grbavac

Liability and Tort Trends

Favorable results for liability insurers reported in recent years, featuring benign loss frequency and reserve releases, may have reached an inflection point, under pressure from unfolding developments in the tort/legal environment. The panel analyzes the drivers of liability insurance and discusses implications for liability insurance outcomes for insurers writing GL, D&O, E&O and cognate lines. The panel explores the complex dynamics bearing on liability insurance from three complementary perspectives, those of an insurance industry analyst, a reinsurer, and an attorney.
Source: 2013 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Panelists: Jerry Theodorou, Chris Robertson, Libby Benet

Liability and Tort Trends

Favorable results for liability insurers reported in recent years, featuring benign loss frequency and reserve releases, may have reached an inflection point, under pressure from unfolding developments in the tort/legal environment. The panel analyzes the drivers of liability insurance and discusses implications for liability insurance outcomes for insurers writing GL, D&O, E&O and cognate lines. The panel explores the complex dynamics bearing on liability insurance from three complementary perspectives, those of an insurance industry analyst, a reinsurer, and an attorney.
Source: 2013 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate
Moderators: Dragica Grbavac

General Session: Overview and Outlook for the P/C Insurance Industry

This presentation will provide a comprehensive overview and outlook for the P/C insurance industry amid ongoing global economic uncertainty and volatility as well as near-record catastrophe losses. Industry premium and exposure growth, profitability, underwriting and investment performance trends will be reviewed in the context of the current economic and political outlook.
Source: 2013 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate
Moderators: Jayashree Ishwar

Crowdsourcing Predictive Analytics: Using 75,000 Heads Without Losing Yours

Insurers are no strangers to making predictions from data. However, working constraints often limit them to linear models that have remained unchanged for decades. In this session, Floyd Yager (Allstate's Chief Data Officer) will present a case study in which Allstate crowdsourced a bodily injury liability prediction model to an outside community of machine learning experts on Kaggle's Will Cukierski will discuss the efficiency of using prizes to drive innovation, how organizations have incorporated external data science expertise to improve their in-house analytics, and the risks involved.
Source: 2013 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: concurrent, affiliate
Panelists: Floyd Yager, William Cukierski

Crowdsourcing Predictive Analytics: Using 75,000 Heads Without Losing Yours

Insurers are no strangers to making predictions from data. However, working constraints often limit them to linear models that have remained unchanged for decades. In this session, Floyd Yager (Allstate's Chief Data Officer) will present a case study in which Allstate crowdsourced a bodily injury liability prediction model to an outside community of machine learning experts on Kaggle's Will Cukierski will discuss the efficiency of using prizes to drive innovation, how organizations have incorporated external data science expertise to improve their in-house analytics, and the risks involved.
Source: 2013 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate
Moderators: Jayashree Ishwar

There is Probably a Risk Focused Exam in Your Future – How Do You Deal With It?

A discussion surrounding the role and expectations of actuaries in the NAIC’s risk-focused examination. The discussion will benefit all actuarial parties involved in this process including, but not limited to, Consulting Actuaries, Company Actuaries, Appointed Actuaries and Insurance Department Actuaries. The session will walk participants through the seven phases of the approach and provide suggestions for how actuaries can actively and effectively participate.
Source: 2013 Regional Affiliate - CAMAR
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Craig Moore, Missy Greiner

Examining Loss Trends Using Statistical Modeling: A Beginner’s Perspective

This session will explore ways in which statistical modeling of individual claims data can be used to study loss trends. Specific examples will be provided as to how the modeling has been used for loss reserving as well as for studying the profitability of a book of business. The presentation will provide the perspective of a “seasoned” actuary who has only recently begun using granular claims detail, instead of aggregated data, in these types of analysis.
Source: 2013 Regional Affiliate - CAMAR
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Leslie Marlo

Emerging Practices in Reinsurance Analytics

First, this session will provide an overview of various topics in the area of reinsurance analytics from the perspective of the reinsurance broker actuary. Topics will include the evolution of broker analytics, the evaluation of reinsurance as a form of capital, and observations from the application of optimization modeling. Second, we present a variant of the familiar Collective Risk model for simulating insurance loses. This method preserves in full the implied dependence structure between large and small losses. We will present a “common shock” model to reflect correlation between multiple lines of business, and across underwriting periods. This allows for a wide variety of correlation structures while requiring a low number of independent parameters. Finally, we will note the implicit constraints that can be exploited in parameterizing the model. Applications to reinsurance pricing and capital allocation will be given.
Source: 2013 Regional Affiliate - CAMAR
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Richard Rosengarten, Paul LeStourgeon

Economic and Industry Outlook: P/C Insurance in 2013 and Beyond

Some unusual things are happening that affect the operations of the P/C insurance business. A few examples: Storms that barely rise to hurricane-force cause almost as much non-flood damage as Katrina. In an unprecedented low-interest-rate environment, the industry is shortening its bond maturities, realizing even lower investment income. Although overall inflation remains low, some prices that drive P/C claims are rising much faster. This session will discuss these and other trends, the economic environment that is likely to play out in the coming years, and their effect on the P/C industry.
Source: 2013 Regional Affiliate - CAMAR
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Steven Weisbart

Risk-focused Examinations

Source: 2013 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Debbie Rosenberg, Missy Greiner

Recent CAS Activities

Source: 2013 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Jeanne Crowell


Source: 2013 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Michael Toothman

Mortgage Guaranty - a Business and Actuarial Perspective

Source: 2013 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Jared Rubinstein

Compare and Contrast US Versus International Reinsurance Pricing Approaches

Source: 2013 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Jeffrey Dollinger

CAS Update

CAS President Gary Josephson will provide an update on the issues currently facing the CAS. Topics will include the CAS Strategic Plan, CAS-SOA relations, the CAS Education Strategy, the CIA University Accreditation Program and the CERA designation. This will be your opportunity to weigh in on key issues and to influence the actions taken by the CAS Board and leadership.
Source: 2013 Regional Affiliate - BACE
Type: affiliate

Thinking Outside the Black Box: New Approaches for Estimating Catastrophe Losses

Glen Daraskevich, Senior Vice President at Karen Clark & Company will discuss catastrophe risk management issues, challenges in using traditional models, and innovative approaches such as characteristic events for quantifying and managing this risk.
Source: 2013 Regional Affiliate - BACE
Type: affiliate