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Testing the Accuracy of Loss Reserve Methodology

This presentation will review some highlights from a recent paper co-authored by Tapio which evaluated the performance of various loss reserving methods and their associated parameterizations under a number of environments (e.g., changes in case reserve adequacy) and simulated proxy loss development data for each environment, making it possible to measure the accuracy of various actuarial projection methods. Based on these results, this presentation will offer a practical roadmap for selecting appropriate methodologies and parameterizations given the current, past, and expected future environmental conditions affecting the reserving process.
Source: 2012 Regional Affiliate - CANW
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Tapio Boles

Actuaries in Non-Actuarial Roles: A Panel Discussion

Have you ever considered moving into a non-actuarial role at some point in your actuarial career? This panel features four actuaries who have done exactly that, and in a variety of different roles. This interactive discussion will give you an opportunity to learn more about their current or former non-actuarial role, their considerations in making that transition, and some of the challenges and rewards they have encountered in their new roles.
Source: 2012 Regional Affiliate - CANW
Type: affiliate
Moderators: Akshar Gohil
Panelists: Heather Caffoe, Ted Spitalnick, Joe Pietraszewski

Update from the CAS

This presentation will take us through current CAS issues and directions.
Source: 2012 Regional Affiliate - CANW
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Shawna Ackerman

Insurance-Linked Securities: Continuing Innovation in Reinsurance Risk Transfer

Capital Markets & Advisory Insurance-linked securities (ILS) play a prominent role in a rapidly growing alternative risk transfer market. ILS transactions enable insurers, reinsurers, and other entities to efficiently transfer insurance risk to the global capital markets through a variety of different structures. In this session, you will learn about ILS market, ILS structures, and recent innovations in this sector from the perspective of various ILS market participants.
Source: 2012 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Markus Schmutz, Larry McClure, Bill Dubinsky

General Session: Price Optimization vs. Actuarial Standards

Price optimization is one of the latest trends in the pricing of property/casualty insurance and brings in the likelihood of conversion and renewal. This ends up with a different result than traditional rate making would. The concern becomes whether price optimization might go too far. This session will present different viewpoints and items to consider when pondering whether to use price optimization or not.
Source: 2012 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate, general
Panelists: Mary Miller, Jeff Kucera, Chet Szczepanski, Michael McPhail

UBI’s Impact on Auto Insurance

Usage-based Insurance (UBI) is now being implemented by a number of insurers and the battle for product differentiation using telematics data is heating up. The telematics data is clearly powerful for use in segmentation. The economics are now becoming favorable for mass rollout to consumers. This session will discuss the short and the long term impacts of UBI on the Auto Insurance Industry.
Source: 2012 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Len Llaguno

The Actuarial Foundation and CAS Leadership Updates

Will provide an update on the work being done by The Actuarial Foundation. Pat Teufel, CAS President, will provide an update on current CAS issues, including: CAS Strategic Plan – Beyond 2014 CAS Response to Recent SOA Developments Update on CAS Basic Education Joint Discipline – Exposure of Proposed Joint Rules of Procedure for Disciplinary Actions This is your opportunity to weigh in on key issues and to influence the actions taken by the CAS Board and leadership.
Source: 2012 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: David Cummings

Workers Compensation Update – A Little Information on a Lot of Topics

This presentation will touch on a number of subjects encountered in workers compensation pricing and line-of-business management. Areas addressed will include evaluation of the equity and accuracy of pricing programs, large loss implications for overall rate level indications, large deductible business, claim frequency, subclassifications and employee misclassification.
Source: 2012 Regional Affiliate - CAMAR
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Timothy Wisecarver

U. S. P-C Insurance Industry Strength

How financially strong are sectors in the U.S. P&C Industry? The industry as a whole? Where does your company's solvency risk stack up against a collection of peers? We will present economic capital modeling results for industry sectors based on extensively benchmarked risk parameterization and aggregated financial data. This work clarifies the relative magnitude of sources of P&C risk (i.e. property cat, reserve, underwriting cycle) and enables unprecedented exploration of individual company solvency.
Source: 2012 Regional Affiliate - CAMAR
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Micah Woolstenhulme

Reinsurance Structuring and Optimization

Reinsurance provides much needed capacity and volatility protection to insurance companies. What structure best provides that protection has historically been determined based on a combination of experience, intuition and actuarial analysis. With the recent advances in computational power and simulation based capital modeling methods, more science can be brought to bear on this subject. This session will review some of the historical approaches to creating a reinsurance structure and then discuss an "optimization" algorithm for how to determine the "best" structure to meet the insurance company's goals. We will focus on excess of loss catastrophe reinsurance, though the framework could apply to other reinsurance programs as well.
Source: 2012 Regional Affiliate - CAMAR
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Jason Masch

Recent Developments in Reinsurance Regulation in the U.S.

In the aftermath of the financial crisis, there is an increased focus on systemic risk and regulatory modernization at both the state and federal levels. A representative of the RAA will review the recent developments in U.S. regulation that impact the reinsurance industry. Topics will include credit for reinsurance and collateral reform, RBC developments, systemic risk regulation and solvency modernization.
Source: 2012 Regional Affiliate - CAMAR
Type: affiliate
Panelists: W. Williamson

Overcoming Key Risks on the Road to Profitable Growth

This presentation will include an overview of the current state of the insurance and reinsurance markets. Key risks will be identified, as well as their implications for the sector and the means of overcoming these risks to achieve profitability.
Source: 2012 Regional Affiliate - CAMAR
Type: affiliate
Panelists: David Flandro

Distracted Driving, Text-Mined Crash Descriptions, and Predictive Analytics

Driving distractions are frequently being associated with very unfortunate vehicle accidents. Distractions can cover a number of activities, including adjusting a radio, using a cell phone, using a GPS device, or other activities that cause the driver to momentarily look away from the road. A challenge performing analytics for accidents in which a driver may have been distracted is that much of the information on the distraction may not be available in the structured-data fields typically captured by auto insurers. This session will describe a process for extracting and organizing information in text data that is not readily available in structured data. This session will also demonstrate how information captured in unstructured data can improve the results from multivariate, predictive analytics.
Source: 2012 Regional Affiliate - CAMAR
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Philip Borba

Current Reinsurance Environment and the Actuary’s role

This session will provide attendees with an update on the state of the P&C Reinsurance industry and an overview of challenges faced by actuaries operating within this space. Topics discussed will include: Competitive Landscape Underwriting Environment and actuarial pricing Loss Reserves, an overview of challenges and the use of benchmarks Internal Ceded Reinsurance Key Industry Challenges and how the actuary can add value
Source: 2012 Regional Affiliate - CAMAR
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Chris Bozman, Andrew Cho, Dave Heppen

Catastrophe Model Uncertainty and How to Deal With It

This session will begin with an introduction to catastrophe models and the catastrophe model market space, primarily aimed at attendees that are not familiar with this subject. Next, the session will address uncertainty in assessing catastrophe risk and provide remedies to address these issues, using the peril of North Atlantic hurricanes as an example and relating this example to other perils. The session will close with a discussion on how actuaries and companies can use these models given the model uncertainty, discussing various metrics and sensitivity testing approaches.
Source: 2012 Regional Affiliate - CAMAR
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Anders Ericson

Anger & Ethics

This session will cover ethical issues and failings with a focus on the impact of anger on participants in meetings and depositions. We will be discussing whether expressing anger to gain an advantage is ethical in that situation.
Source: 2012 Regional Affiliate - CAMAR
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Patrick Lamb

A Conversation with CAS Leadership

Pat Teufel, CAS President, will update attendees on issues facing the CAS. This is your opportunity to weigh in on key issues and to influence the actions taken by the CAS Board and leadership. Topics will likely include: CAS Response to Recent SOA Developments Fall 2011 Exam Results -- Status Report Response to the Recommendations of the Task Force on Educational Balance CERA Update Update on Joint Discipline International Strategy and Direction
Source: 2012 Regional Affiliate - CAMAR
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Pat Teufel

Using Novel Data for Vehicle Rating

Traditional vehicle rating is based on grouping similar vehicles together with some adjustment for loss experience. This session will show how detailed information about vehicle characteristics can be used to develop accurate predictions of insurance loss. We discuss types of data available and the data preparation involved to use the data. We look beyond simple VIN decoding approaches and introduce text-mining tools in order to bridge disparate formats of key information. We will then discuss the modeling process and the results of the models on actual industry loss data
Source: 2012 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Jim Weiss

Topsy Turvy WC

This session looks at the latest developments in the WC market cycle including: price direction, frequency and severity trends and loss emergence. Also covered is a recent study by RAND looking at the impact Massachusetts healthcare reform had on WC claiming patterns.
Source: 2012 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Brian Ingle

Profit and Risk Load in Catastrophe Reinsurance

Low-frequency high-severity risks occur in a few areas of the economy and tend to get risk-transfer prices well above their expected values. Some risk–pricing methods have been shown to be consistent with this behavior, so are good candidates for premium loadings.
Source: 2012 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Gary Venter

Navigating through the Underwriting Cycle

Nobody Plans to Fail – aka The Reserving Cycle IS the Underwriting Cycle Intellectual Property Franchise – aka Not That Fungible Sparks and Prairie Fires – aka We Know Darn Well What is Happening Behavioral Corporate Finance – aka Why We Cannot Make the Right Decision Three Operational Changes We Can Try
Source: 2012 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Donald Mango

An Update from the CAS

Kathryn Morgan, a member of the CAS Board of Directors, will update attendees on issues facing the CAS. This is your opportunity to weigh in on key issues and to influence the actions taken by the CAS Board and leadership. Topics will likely include: CAS Response to Recent SOA Developments Fall 2011 Exam Results -- Status Report Response to the Recommendations of the Task Force on Educational Balance CERA Update International Strategy and Direction
Source: 2012 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Kathryn Morgan

The Upside of Enterprise Risk Management: From Value Protection to Value Creation

Source: 2012 Regional Affiliate - BACE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Vladimir Uhmylenko

Price Optimization

Source: 2012 Regional Affiliate - BACE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Robert Weishaar, George Argesanu

Expanding Analytics through the Use of Machine Learning

Source: 2012 Regional Affiliate - BACE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Chris Cooksey