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Topics in Commercial Auto Modeling

In this session, the first speaker will provide details about the ISO planned revision of its Commercial Auto classification plan using GLM techniques. He will mention modeling challenges and results. Building a statistically sound model is just one piece in implementing a successful model. Another critical piece is to get buy in from the business customers by providing them a better understanding, trust and ownership of the model. The second speaker will discuss effective ways on getting this critical buy in.
Source: 2013 Annual Meeting
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Bob Morand
Panelists: Shane Barnes, Anand Khare

The Need for Speed - Analytics Data Marts

Source: 2013 Annual Meeting
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Bob Morand
Panelists: Charles Boucek

The Impact of Healtcare Reform

The health care reform session would endeavor to discuss the perceived implications of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) across a broad spectrum of insurance providers and purchasers. The panel will convey how medical professional liability industry trends preceding PPACA and the implementation of PPACA may affect workers’ compensation coverage, the role and relevance of PIAA companies, and self-insurance program considerations for large health systems
Source: 2013 Annual Meeting
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Bob Morand
Panelists: John Mize, Kevin Dyke, Heather McClure

The Continuously Evolving Examination Process

The exam process continues to evolve and adapt to the needs of the time, whether that means reflecting advancements in actuarial methodology & theory into the syllabus, modifying the examination structure to address the needs of future fellows and associates, or refining existing procedures in an ongoing effort to provide high quality exams. This session will assess the impact of recent enhancements to the exam process, highlight current initiatives and discuss future challenges. The CAS benefits greatly from its own members who volunteer to serve on various committees, and its success as an organization is dependent upon the feedback and insight it receives from those volunteers. In light of this, a member of the examination committee will also be presenting at this session, relating their first-hand experience volunteering for the committee and offering their unique observations and insights of the exam process.
Source: 2013 Annual Meeting
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Mohamad Hindawi
Panelists: Steven Armstrong, Ali Ishaq, Chris Loyd

The Challenges of UBI Analytics

Many insurance companies spend considerable amount of time and energy building their UBI product and collecting data only to find that the data they have accumulated is inadequate. During this session, panelists will discuss UBI data strategy, focusing on how to determine the best level of data to collect, expectations for data quantity and common issues with data quality.
Source: 2013 Annual Meeting
Type: concurrent
Panelists: Ryan Morrison, Len Llaguno, Jeff Stempora

Recent Extreme Weather Events: Unusual or Unprecedented?

Catastrophe losses, by definition, are supposed to be low frequency, high severity events. However, in the last several years in the U.S., we’ve seen hurricanes, hundreds of powerful and violent tornadoes, several major wildfires, a prolonged drought in the West, floods and winter storms. Around the world, there have been unprecedented floods and heat waves. Have we just been unlucky, experiencing several back-to-back extreme events? Or, if recent years are not unusual or unexpected, how bad might things get in future extreme events? Panelists will explore perception vs. reality, give their perspectives of what we should expect in the years to come, and discuss the extent to which global climate change could impact the way catastrophe losses are modeled.
Source: 2013 Annual Meeting
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Mohamad Hindawi
Panelists: Mark Bove, Andrew Castaldi

Non-Technical Reserves Call Paper Program Session 3 - Estimation Methodology Papers

Non - Technical Call Paper Program - Estimation Methodology Papers David Kaye - Estimating Unpaid Claim Liabilities for Mortgage Insurance Karen Adams - Chain Ladder Reserving Methods for Liabilities with Per Occurrence Limits Marc Pearl and Jeremy Smith - An Enhanced On-Level Approach to Calculating Expected Loss Costs
Source: 2013 Annual Meeting
Type: concurrent
Panelists: Karen Adams, Marc Pearl, Jeremy Smith, David Kaye

Non-Technical Reserves Call Paper Program Session 2 - Industry Reserving Papers

Non - Technical Call Paper Program - Industry Reserving Papers Susan Forray and Zachary Ballweg - Peaks and Troughs: Reserving through the Market Cycle Chris Walker and Mark Littman - Applications of Reserve Ranges and Variability in Practice Bertram Horowitz - Aggregate Loss Reserve Analysis by Accounting Date
Source: 2013 Annual Meeting
Type: concurrent
Panelists: Susan Forray, Christopher Walker, Bertram Horowitz, Mark Littmann, Zachary Ballweg

Non-Technical Reserves Call Paper Program Session 1 - Workers Compensation Papers

Non - Technical Call Paper Program - Workers Compensation Papers Lynne Bloom and Lela Patrik - A Methodology for Avoiding the Pitfalls of Excess Loss Development Michael Shane and Dawn Morelli - Using Life Expectancy to Inform the Estimate of Tail Factors for Workers Compensation Liabilities Brian Jones - A Mortality-Based Approach to Reserving for Lifetime Workers' Compensation Claims
Source: 2013 Annual Meeting
Type: concurrent
Panelists: Lela Patrik, Lynne Bloom, Craig Scukas, Michael Shane, Dawn Morelli

Is Your Usage-Based Insurance Program Succeeding?

Usage-based auto insurance (UBI) for personal and commercial lines is largely focused on measuring the effects of policyholders' driving behaviors, but less attention has been paid to measuring the behavior of UBI programs themselves. In this session we will examine different aspects of UBI, including pricing segmentation and the customer experience, and identify quantitative and qualitative measures for performance and timeframes over which to evaluate. Particular attention will be paid to interpreting thin data and negative short-term returns on investment that may initially result from UBI initiatives.
Source: 2013 Annual Meeting
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Mark Richards
Panelists: Robin Harbage, Gary Wang, Udi Makov

How Oil Limits and Related Interest Rates Can Be Expected to Affect Insurers

Consistently high oil prices are leading toward a long-term contraction of the economy that has not been recognized by most forecasters. Panelists will explain how recent successes in US oil extraction fit into the overall picture, and why there is still reason for concern. Panelists will discuss their expectations for short-term and long-term interest rate environments, and the potential effects this could have on insurance pricing, loss reserves and assets. They will also address the impact that an end to quantitative easing might have on interest rates, stock prices, bond defaults and insurer assets.
Source: 2013 Annual Meeting
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Mark Richards
Panelists: Gail Tverberg, Joshua Howard

Exploring Ranges of Ultimates and Reserves and Their Relationship to Loss Emergence Patterns

Actuaries often talk about the proverbial range of reasonable estimates, for instance, in relation to reserves for financial reporting purposes. Actuaries and stakeholders are also interested in the distribution of possible outcomes, for instance, in the context of enterprise risk management. In this session, the speakers will facilitate a discussion around: The relationship of the uncertainty of estimates of ultimate loss and of reserves, considering the effect of the loss payment pattern How the uncertainty of the estimates decreases as the exposure period matures Retrospective testing of assumptions used in actuarial valuations The distribution of estimates/outcomes in a 1-year horizon The asessment of new information on last year's analysis and picks. Implications on the estimates for the current exposure period, for business re-forecasting and for reserving, and also for a start-up company, will be highlighted. Examples will be presented to illustrate the concepts and facilitate an interactive discussion.
Source: 2013 Annual Meeting
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Mark Richards
Panelists: Mark Shapland, Mark Littmann, Sun Sun

Emerging Homeowners and Personal Auto Exposures

Learn about new exposures for homeowners and personal auto. Hear about various topics on homeowners risks including large increases in Homeowners rates, more severe weather projections in company Homeowners filings, less coverage for wind and hail via by peril rating schemes, high deductibles, etc., complex rating algorithms, roof schedules, exclusions, ACV vs. Replacement Cost, cosmetic damage, non-weather water claims, HO telematics and other trends affecting Homeowners claim costs. You’ll also learn about autonomous cars, electric/hybrid vehicle repair, infotainment systems, driver distractions, car-sharing, the effects of safer cars on claims results, and other issues affecting the cost of personal auto insurance.
Source: 2013 Annual Meeting
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Mark Richards
Panelists: Robert Curry, Gary Wang, Phillip Vigliaturo, Kevin Christy

Economic Scenario Generators: Usage and Trends in the P&C Industry

Economic scenarios and economic scenario generators (ESG) are increasingly being used in the P&C insurance industry as one of the central quantitative tool for effective enterprise risk management (ERM). After an introduction to economic scenarios, this session will focus on the various uses of economic scenarios within an ERM program for P&C insurers and reinsurers.
Source: 2013 Annual Meeting
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Mark Richards
Panelists: Loic Grandchamp, Jonathan Mossman

Credit Risk Special Interest Section

The Credit Risk Special Interest Section (CRiSIS for short) will be conducting its annual in-person meeting at the 2013 CAS Annual meeting. Current members as well as non-members with an interest in credit risk are welcome to join us for this session. The CRiSIS was formed to promote discussion and the exchange of ideas on the subject of credit risk evaluation, to provide forums for such discussions to take place, and to advance the knowledge of actuarial science as applied to credit risk through both original research and surveys of members’ and subscribers’ collective knowledge. At this meeting, we will discuss the Section’s recent activities, to develop: 1) a comprehensive web-based resource for casualty actuaries dealing with credit risk, and 2) a description and model of approaches commonly used by casualty actuaries to evaluate and manage credit risk.
Source: 2013 Annual Meeting
Type: concurrent
Panelists: Michael Schmitz, Mathieu Boudreault

GS-4: Regulatory Update

Source: 2012 ERM Symposium
Type: General Session
Source: 2012 ERM Symposium
Type: General Session
Panelists: Guntram F. A. Werther

GS-1: Chief Risk Officer Roundtable

Source: 2012 ERM Symposium
Type: General Session
Moderators: Mark Scanlon,Mark Abbott
Panelists: Mike Mahaffey,Mike Temple,Betsy Ward,Barry Franklin,Bob Mark,Hilmar Schaumann,Walter Smiechewicz

C-9: ERM "Standards" of Practice vs. "Best" Practices

Source: 2012 ERM Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Bob Wolf
Panelists: Dave Ingram,Robert Mark

C-8: ERM Implementation at Professional Risk Organizations

Source: 2012 ERM Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Panelists: Nancy Owens,Karyn Boston

C-7: ERM for the Smaller Company

Source: 2012 ERM Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Panelists: Sim Segal, Amit Ayer,Mark Milton,Sharon Giffen

C-5: ERM: Aligning Proper Incentives with "Risk/Reward" Decision-Making

Source: 2012 ERM Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Panelists: Robert Wolf,Bob Mark,Karen DeToro
Source: 2012 ERM Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session

C-3: Continuous Monitoring for Risk & Performance Management

Source: 2012 ERM Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Panelists: Dan French
Source: 2012 ERM Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Dave Ingram
Panelists: Neil Cantle,Dave Ingram