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Update on CAS Board

Among the topics she discussed were changes to the AAA Qualification Standards, the new Candidate Code of Conduct, the new CAS journal Variance, ERM initiatives, and the CAS education White Paper.
Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - MAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Joanne Spalla
Keywords: AAA Qualification Standards, the new Candidate Code of Conduct


This session focused on the modeling and exposure data lessons learned from hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma, and the implications for the future.
Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - MAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Josh Ellington
Keywords: modeling and exposure data, hurricanes

Price Optimization and Demand Modeling

This session described demand modeling and the way that demand models can be combined with actuarial estimates to produce optimal prices. Also discussed was how price optimization in an insurance environment differs from techniques used in other industries which routinely optimize prices, such as hotels and airlines. Regulatory implications were also discussed.
Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - MAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Lee Bowron
Keywords: actuarial estimates, insurance environment, Regulatory implications

Terrorism Insurance

Jack discussed the development of terrorism insurance, terrorism modeling, the status of the TRIEA extension activities, and key issues affecting the future of terrorism insurance.
Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - MAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Jack Seaquist
Keywords: development of terrorism insurance, terrorism modeling, TRIEA extension activities, terrorism insurance

Actuarial Professionalism - Do You Know The Rules of the Road?

Panelists will identify the key standards and Code precepts relevant to practicing actuaries. Using these tools, the audience will attempt to tackle several ethical dilemmas common to the profession. Whether you are a company or consulting actuary, this session is sure to educate and entertain!
Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - MAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Matt Carrier, Tony Bloemer, Chris Walker
Keywords: ethical dilemmas

Random, Schmandom - Just Gimme The Number!

This talk emphasizes two points: first, that every measurement or estimate has uncertainty and is therefore random; and second, that even when we have a distribution for a random variable its representation by a single number depends on the purpose of the number.
Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - MAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Rodney Kreps
Keywords: measurement or estimate has uncertainty

CAS White Paper of Education

Regina, a member of the CAS Board of Directors and Chair of the Long-Range Planning Committee, will talk briefly about current Board activities and then discuss the CAS White Paper on Education. She's interested in bringing feedback on the White Paper to the Board, so come prepared with your opinions.
Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - MAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Regina Berens
Keywords: current Board activities, CAS White Paper on Education

From Ignorance to Knowing: The Evolution of Modeling

Modeling as defined by Webster's is transitive verb 3b: to produce a representation or simulation of to understand something. Humans have used this method of solving problems since the beginning of consciousness. But over time the tools for modeling have evolved. Looking at the discipline of modeling from this point of view not only allows us to appreciate the rapid progress in this field but also puts the techniques that we used yesterday, as well as the current state of the art, in a historical context. We will discuss how this point of view allows us to look at modeling as a continuum of techniques which points to what may be next in this field.
Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - MAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Ali Ishaq
Keywords: modeling

Business Sessions

Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - OCCA
Type: affiliate
Keywords: business session

Reinsurance Pricing

Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - OCCA
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Sean Russell
Keywords: reinsurance, pricing

Challenges of Medium to Large Commercial Risks

Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - OCCA
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Charles Pare, David MacDonald
Keywords: commercial risks,

Emerging Risks

Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - OCCA
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Sean Russell
Keywords: emerging risks

A Presentation About Presentations: Creating the "Dynamic Actuary"

Most actuaries are regularly called upon to present complex concepts to an audience. The more that actuaries can improve upon their presentation skills, the more their visibility within an organization (primary company, reinsurer, consulting firm, brokerage house) increases accordingly. Today, actuaries are counted on to present actionable information to CEOs, CFOs, and board of directors, in addition to clients and peers at industry conferences. Like many business people in general, some actuaries are averse to making presentations, or lack the experience or confidence to be effective speakers. This session will help actuaries devise a game plan for confronting the fear of "performing" in front of an audience. The goal is to help presenters build confidence by identifying individual strengths in communication skills and capitalizing on them for future presentations. Specifically, this session will help individuals identify and meld their personal and professional strengths and traits to create themselves into the "Dynamic Actuary."
Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate,general
Panelists: Bob Morand
Keywords: Dynamic Actuary

Non-Traditional Insurance

This session will introduce you to some non-traditional insurance segments. The unique aspects of non-traditional insurance often require significant amounts of creativity and judgment when putting these products together. You will hear from a Pet Insurance actuarial entrepreneur, an underwriter specializing in Event Cancellation coverage, and an underwriter involved in covering the Entertainment Industry. Join them to hear about their trials and tribulations in dealing with these specialty niches.
Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Laura Bennett, Jim Berger
Keywords: Non-Traditional Insurance

Personal Lines Integration of Reserving, Planning and Pricing

The increasing proliferation of Personal Lines products highlights the need for effective integration of the reserving actuary with other functions. The presenters will discuss how these areas work together to produce more controlled reserve environments. The actuaries will include a discussion of reserve methodologies which bridge the gap between reserving and pricing considerations.
Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Elizabeth DePaolo, David McLaughry
Keywords: Reserving, Planning and Pricing

Building Effective Leadership Skills

In today's world, effective leadership skills are needed more than ever to stay ahead of the competition. The rate of change in the insurance industry is accelerating, and the lengths of decision and marketplace cycles are shrinking. This places greater emphasis than ever on building a high-performance culture that rewards innovation and calculated risk-taking in pursuit of business goals. At this session, using the examples of five leadership legends, you will hear ideas and strategies that you can incorporate into your personal leadership style to help drive winning results in your organization.
Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate,general
Panelists: Dan Hogan
Keywords: Leadership Skills

The Fundamentals of Reserve Variability: From Methods to Models

We will discuss the differences between using a variety of deterministic methods to calculate a range versus using stochastic models to calculate a distribution. Current standards of practice refer to "best estimates" but the industry is actively pursuing the use of distributions and some countries, such as Australia, already require reserves to be set using a percentile of the distribution. We will briefly discuss some considerations related to our evolving standards of practice, but the primary focus will be the criterion the practicing actuary can use to help evaluate stochastic models in their search for the model that best fits the data.
Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Mark Shapland
Keywords: Reserve Variability

Visualizing Predictive Modeling Results

The proper graphical presentation of a predictive model can be a critical diagnostic tool in the analysis of model results. Graphical presentation is also a key communication tool to individuals in an organization who do not have a detailed background in predictive modeling. The presenters will draw on their experience from a variety of predictive modeling projects in order to demonstrate a number of graphical presentation methodologies that they have found critical for properly diagnosing and presenting model results. Panelists will include techniques for understanding key aspects of the data, identifying and analyzing predictor variables, and summarizing key model results to senior management. Selected elements of the presentation will be in case study format.
Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Charles Boucek, Louis Mak
Keywords: Predictive Modeling

The Exam Process

The Casualty Actuarial Society contracted with an outside auditor in 2000 to review the examination process. In response to the audit findings, the CAS Exam Committee has made significant changes to the process of creating and grading exams in recent years. The presenter will discuss some of those changes, including publishing learning objectives, question-writer training, grading exams and setting the pass mark.
Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Julie Stenberg

CAS Update

Chris Carlson is President of the Casualty Actuarial Society, having assumed his position at the close of the Annual Meeting in Chicago. Chris will update the membership on several issues regarding the CAS including: education strategy, enterprise risk management, the CAS Centennial Goal and the new Variance Journal. There will also be time for questions from the audience on any topic relating to the CAS.
Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Christopher Carlson

"New" Qualification Standards

This presentation is oriented toward Property Casualty actuaries and discusses current qualification standards with regard to basic education as well as continuing education. Additionally, it will discuss the transition from the old qualification standards to the new, changes to qualification standards for NAIC Opinions, record keeping issues, and qualification vs. membership.
Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Nolan Asch
Keywords: Qualification Standards

Pricing in a Soft Market

This session will discuss the impact the soft market has on the pricing actuary. It will cover pricing, the change in the quality of data pricing actuaries have to work with, changes in terms and conditions and program structures, price monitoring and the importance of it, and the impact of the reinsurance market.
Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: William Miller
Keywords: pricing

Overview of the Reinsurance Association of America

This session will explain what the Reinsurance Association of America is and the work that it does. The Association is well known in the insurance industry for their loss development information but they provide many other valuable services to the industry. The issues that the RAA actuarial committee is currently examining will also be discussed.
Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Scott Williamson
Keywords: Reinsurance

Mortgage Fraud and the Subprime Lending Crisis

The housing market has been at the forefront of the news lately. Mortgage fraud and the recent subprime lending crisis are having a significant impact on the housing market. The session will begin with an overview of these items followed by a discussion of the impact they have on the property casualty insurance industry.
Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Ann Fulmer
Keywords: Mortgage Fraud, Subprime Lending Crisis

2007 Overview and Outlook for the P/C Insurance Industry

Dr. Robert Hartwig will offer his views on the events of 2007 that influenced the property/casualty insurance industry, as well as provide comments on issues that are expected to be in the headlines during 2008. The impact of the subprime lending crisis, the state of the property catastrophe reinsurance market and the general softening of the insurance market will be among the topics discussed.
Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Robert Hartwig
Keywords: property-casualty