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Reinsurance Pricing

Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - OCCA
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Sean Russell
Keywords: reinsurance, pricing

Challenges of Medium to Large Commercial Risks

Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - OCCA
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Charles Pare, David MacDonald
Keywords: commercial risk

Emerging Risks

Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - OCCA
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Sean Russell
Keywords: emerging risks, risks

Business Sessions

Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - OCCA
Type: affiliate
Keywords: business sessions

The In's and Out's of Self Insurance

Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - SWAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Ed Costner
Keywords: insurance, self insurance

Business Session

Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - SWAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Serhat Guven
Keywords: business session

CAS Education Task Force

Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - SWAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Roosevelt Mosley
Keywords: education task force, CAS

Workers Compensation

Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - SWAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Harry Shuford
Keywords: workers compensation

Enterprise Risk Management

Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - SWAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Gary Venter
Keywords: ERM, enterprise risk management

Actuarial Professionalism - Do You Know the Rules of the Road?

As Vice Chair of the Committee on Professionalism Education, Kevin Dyke will present professionalism topics at our next meeting. The CAS has charged the committee with extending educational offerings to experienced members who either have never taken the Professionalism course or are interested in refreshing their knowledge. Kevin will identify the key standards and Code precepts relevant to practicing actuaries. Using these tools, the audience will attempt to tackle several ethical dilemmas common to the profession. The greatest benefit of this session will be the interaction between actuaries in tackling common ethical problems. Whether you are a company or consulting actuary, this session is sure to educate and entertain.
Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Kevin Dyke
Keywords: Professionalism, educational offerings, key standards and Code

New Qualifications Standards

Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - CAMAR
Type: affiliate
Keywords: qualifications

Market update - ERM in Insurance

Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - CAMAR
Type: affiliate
Keywords: ERM

ERM in the Rating Evaluation

Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - CAMAR
Type: affiliate
Keywords: ERM

General Session: Building Effective Leadership Skills

In today's world, effective leadership skills are needed more than ever to stay ahead of the competition. The rate of change in the insurance industry is accelerating, and the lengths of decision and marketplace cycles are shrinking. This places greater emphasis than ever on building a high-performance culture that rewards innovation and calculated risk-taking in pursuit of business goals. At this session, using the examples of five leadership legends, you will hear ideas and strategies that you can incorporate into your personal leadership style to help drive winning results in your organization.
Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate,general
Panelists: Dan Hogan
Keywords: Leadership Skills

The Fundamentals of Reserve Variability: From Methods to Models

We will discuss the differences between using a variety of deterministic methods to calculate a range versus using stochastic models to calculate a distribution. Current standards of practice refer to "best estimates" but the industry is actively pursuing the use of distributions and some countries, such as Australia, already require reserves to be set using a percentile of the distribution. We will briefly discuss some considerations related to our evolving standards of practice, but the primary focus will be the criterion the practicing actuary can use to help evaluate stochastic models in their search for the model that best fits the data.
Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Mark Shapland
Keywords: Reserve Variability

Visualizing Predictive Modeling Results

The proper graphical presentation of a predictive model can be a critical diagnostic tool in the analysis of model results. Graphical presentation is also a key communication tool to individuals in an organization who do not have a detailed background in predictive modeling. The presenters will draw on their experience from a variety of predictive modeling projects in order to demonstrate a number of graphical presentation methodologies that they have found critical for properly diagnosing and presenting model results. Panelists will include techniques for understanding key aspects of the data, identifying and analyzing predictor variables, and summarizing key model results to senior management. Selected elements of the presentation will be in case study format.
Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Charles Boucek, Louis Mak
Keywords: Predictive Modeling

The Exam Process

The Casualty Actuarial Society contracted with an outside auditor in 2000 to review the examination process. In response to the audit findings, the CAS Exam Committee has made significant changes to the process of creating and grading exams in recent years. The presenter will discuss some of those changes, including publishing learning objectives, question-writer training, grading exams and setting the pass mark.
Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Julie Stenberg

Non-Traditional Insurance

This session will introduce you to some non-traditional insurance segments. The unique aspects of non-traditional insurance often require significant amounts of creativity and judgment when putting these products together. You will hear from a Pet Insurance actuarial entrepreneur, an underwriter specializing in Event Cancellation coverage, and an underwriter involved in covering the Entertainment Industry. Join them to hear about their trials and tribulations in dealing with these specialty niches.
Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Laura Bennett, Jim Berger
Keywords: Non-Traditional Insurance

Personal Lines Integration of Reserving, Planning and Pricing

The increasing proliferation of Personal Lines products highlights the need for effective integration of the reserving actuary with other functions. The presenters will discuss how these areas work together to produce more controlled reserve environments. The actuaries will include a discussion of reserve methodologies which bridge the gap between reserving and pricing considerations.
Source: 2007 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Elizabeth DePaolo, David McLaughry
Keywords: Personal Lines

An Introduction to GLM Theory

The use of generalized linear models (GLMs) has taken the North American property/casualty insurance industry by storm, in many cases replacing traditional one-way actuarial analyses. This session is designed to provide the actuary with an overview of the statistical theory of GLMs and give illustrative examples and intuitive explanations that clarify the theory. The session will begin with an explanation on the formularization of GLMs-understanding the linear predictor, link function, offset term, error term, and the like. Building upon this foundation, the session will discuss typical model forms, the effect of different assumptions, model diagnostics and the use of interaction variables. (Practical applications of GLM theory will be covered in another panel session.)
Source: 2007 Ratemaking Seminar
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Jessica Christensen
Panelists: Geoffrey Werner

Key Drivers of Workers Compensation Costs-Economic Perspectives

This session will focus on recent research by NCCI's economists that examines two primary drivers of workers compensation costs: (i) frequency and (ii) the aging of the workforce. Research will be presented that explains the decline in frequency over the past 50 years with a specific focus on the most recent decades. As the aging workforce is likely to result in somewhat offsetting pressures on workers compensation total costs-frequency is lower for older workers, but severity is greater-research will be presented that a) explains differences in severity between younger and older workers and b) estimates the likely impact that an aging workforce has on cost trends.
Source: 2007 Ratemaking Seminar
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Richard Kohan
Panelists: Tanya Restrepo

Workers Compensation-Selected State Issues

The panel will present key issues for the states of Georgia and Florida. For Georgia, several legislative changes will be discussed along with their impact on the state’s workers compensation system. In addition, an overview of current market conditions, the status of SERFF in Georgia and an update on the current session of the General Assembly will be provided. For Florida, it has been three years since the state adopted sweeping workers compensation reforms aimed at lowering costs for employers, increasing employer and carrier compliance, reducing attorney involvement, and improving the medical delivery benefit system. Specific statutes, rules and initiatives will be reviewed and discussed that have contributed to the reform goals being met or exceeded. In addition, the presentation will include an outlook on possible legislative or regulatory changes that may occur in 2007.
Source: 2007 Ratemaking Seminar
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Richard Kohan
Panelists: Andrew Sabolic

Data Preparation for Predictive Modeling

A crucial step in predictive modeling, data preparation is the most time consuming step in many projects. Data preparation involves exploring and cleaning data as well as augmenting data with externally and internally derived variables. The first part of the session will begin with an introduction to exploratory data analysis. EDA, which uses graphical and statistical techniques to perform initial exploration of data prior to a modeling or analytical project. It is used both to find data glitches and to learn about the structure of the data that might be helpful in later analysis. This session will introduce EDA applications in familiar environments such as Microsoft Excel. No previous exposure to statistics or to EDA is assumed. The most common procedures used to augment data with derived variables will be presented. The second part of the session will focus on common difficulties faced in preparing data for predictive modeling. The session will also discuss basic data organization techniques that will help resolve many of these common problems. Some of the topics that can be discussed are: * Handling large amounts of data * Bringing together data from disparate systems with in the insurance organization * Linking past information with future * Learning differences among preparing data for first modeling effort, model use, and periodic model recalibration
Source: 2007 Ratemaking Seminar
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Kevin Dyke
Panelists: Louise Francis, Ravi Kumar

Profitability and Capacity

This year's Insurance Information Institute early bird survey results indicate that a drop in catastrophe losses in 2006 combined with a strong performance in most major lines of property/casualty (P/C) insurance will propel the industry to its best underwriting performance since 1955. However, the current premium growth pattern is reminiscent of the soft market of the late 1990s, when the industry recorded growth of 2.9 percent in 1997 and 1.8 percent in 1998. Those years preceded some of the worst years in insurance industry history with combined ratios rising from 102 in 1997 to nearly 116 in 2001. Fortunately, with an expected combined ratio of 97.6 in 2007, the comparison-at least so far-appears to be superficial, or at least premature. The forecasted 1.5 percent increase in premium growth for 2007 would be the second slowest rate of growth for P/C insurers since 1998, during the depths of the last soft market. Will this combination of slowed premium growth combined with excess capital set off another bout of consolidation activity in the industry as companies attempt to deploy this excess capacity and grow in market share via acquisition? This panel will discuss the implications of today's market cycle and contrast it to the 1997-1998 time-period.
Source: 2007 Annual Meeting
Type: concurrent
Moderators: Gaetan Veilleux
Panelists: Stephan Christiansen, Richard Spiro, Steven Weisbart
Keywords: Insurance, catastrophe losses, property/casualty (P/C) insurance

Credit Scoring Update

The use of credit in insurance continues to be a topic that is hotly debated by insurers, consumers, regulators, and other federal and state government officials. This session will update attendees on insurer's use of credit as well as the political and regulatory issues surrounding credit. Topics to be discussed will include different ways insurers are using credit; state, regulatory, and legislative actions; correlation/disproportionate, impact/disparate impact; and the Federal Trade Commission study.
Source: 2007 Annual Meeting
Type: concurrent
Moderators: David Leblanc-Simard
Panelists: John Wilson, Richard Smith
Keywords: Credit Scoring, insurer's use of credit, regulatory issues