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Current Medical Malpractice Issues

Source: 2004 Regional Affiliate - CASE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Jim Hurley
Keywords: Medical Malpractice

ACAS Vote and Classes of Membership within the CAS

Source: 2004 Regional Affiliate - CASE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Bob Wolf

Panel: Terrorism Risk Insurance Act

Moderated by Kim Ward, FCAS, MAAA, Chief Actuary, AAIS. This panel discussion will focus on the latest information about TRIA and its effect on the industry.
Source: 2004 Regional Affiliate - MAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: John Pedrick, Debra Ballen, Dennis Faskings
Keywords: TRIA

CAS Issues Update

Mary Frances Miller, CAS President, will offer comments about the direction of the CAS, including the two main issues involving classes of membership and potential voting rights for Associates. She will have a question and answer session following.
Source: 2004 Regional Affiliate - MAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Mary Miller
Keywords: two main issues involving classes of membership and potential voting rights for Associates

Tools for the Soft Market

Tom Duffy, FCAS, MAAA, Actuarial Consultant with Milliman in Chicago, will discuss tools for the soft market (e.g., rate monitoring, reserving, leading experience indicators, etc.)
Source: 2004 Regional Affiliate - MAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Tom Duffy
Keywords: soft market, ate monitoring, reserving, leading experience indicators

Statement of Opinion Changes

Robert Wainscott, FCAS, MAAA, Principal with Ernst & Young and member of the American Academy of Actuaries' Committee on Property and Liability Financial Reporting (COPLFR) will discuss proposed changes to the Statement of Actuarial Opinion for 2004 and 2005. For 2004 opinions, those changes include direct communication between the actuary and the auditor with respect to testing the actuarial data. The 2005 opinion process will include a new document entitled the Actuarial Opinion Summary to be filed with the domiciliary state by March 15.
Source: 2004 Regional Affiliate - MAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Robert Wainscott
Keywords: Property and Liability Financial Reporting, Statement of Actuarial Opinion

Credit Standing and the Fair Value of Liabilities: A Critique

Phil Heckman, Ph.D., ACAS, MAAA, will present his paper given at the Bowles Symposium in March 2003 and published in NAAJ, January 2004. The paper discusses whether credit standing should be reflected in the fair value of liabilities. Phil will explore the positions of IASB and FASB, noting that the traditional accounting treatment of debt has always discounted for credit standing at first recognition, producing oddities akin to the practice of handicapping in sport. Extending this to update valuation, as prescribed by fair value, produces even stranger anomalies, excluding negative net worth, and hindering the detection of insolvency. Phil will dissect these positions, refuting several arguments found in the AAA White Paper. He will then propose alternative valuation principles for liability valuation, closing with an account of what to expect when the new rules are promulgated.
Source: 2004 Regional Affiliate - MAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Phil Heckman
Keywords: fair value of liabilities, traditional accounting treatment of debt, insolvency

CAS Issues Update

Steve D'Arcy, CAS President-Elect, will discuss what he sees as the key issues that are facing our professional group currently, the opportunities the future holds for casualty actuaries, as well as other topics posed by the audience.
Source: 2004 Regional Affiliate - MAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Steve D'Arcy
Keywords: casualty actuaries, CAS Issues update

Panel: S&P criticism of loss reserve estimates

In November of 2003, Standard and Poor's and Fitch both issued statements critical of the actuarial profession's estimation of property-casualty loss reserves. Christopher Monsour, FCAS, MAAA, will moderate a panel discussion that will present what those statements said and meant, debate the extent of their accuracy, and discuss what we as a profession can do both to give the best estimates possible in the circumstances, and to explain the nature of the estimates as clearly and accurately as possible.
Source: 2004 Regional Affiliate - MAF
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Mary Miller, Robert Conger, J. Cochran, Peter Patrino
Keywords: Standard and Poor's, property-casualty loss reserves

Business Session

Source: 2004 Regional Affiliate - OCCA
Type: affiliate
Keywords: business session

CAS Update: Where We've Been, Where We Are, and Where We're Going

Source: 2004 Regional Affiliate - OCCA
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Pat Teufel
Keywords: key issues update

Is [Enterprise] Risk Management for Actuaries?

Source: 2004 Regional Affiliate - OCCA
Type: affiliate
Panelists: David Oakden
Keywords: risk management, ERM

International Financial Reporting Standards Applied to Property and Casualty Insurance

Source: 2004 Regional Affiliate - OCCA
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Jim Christie
Keywords: Financial Reporting Standards, Property and Casualty Insurance

Business Session

Source: 2004 Regional Affiliate - OCCA
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Patricia Hladun
Keywords: Business Session

Mergers & Acquisitions in the Property-Casualty Insurance Market

Recently, the St. Paul Companies and Travelers Property Casualty Corp agreed to merge to create the nation's second largest commercial insurer. As the current hard market decelerates, does this event signal the beginning of extensive consolidation within the industry? Who and what are the drivers behind mergers and acquisitions in the p/c industry? Our speaker, an investment banker and contributing author to a soon-to-be-released publication on insurance M&As, will address these questions and discuss the process of developing mergers, acquisitions, and raising capital within the property-casualty insurance industry.
Source: 2004 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: John Butler
Keywords: commercial insurer, hard market, merger, developing mergers, acquisitions, and raising capital within the property-casualty insurance industry

Emerging Markets - China and India

The property-casualty markets in China and India have received much attention and interest recently as they appear to be on the verge of significant growth. Until recently, participation in these markets was primarily limited to state-owned insurers. As these markets slowly open to private foreign insurers, it is important to understand them and the opportunities they present. Our two speakers will describe the key characteristics of these markets and offer their personal insight into what the future may hold.
Source: 2004 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Thomas Holzheu, Joy Schwartzman
Keywords: property-casualty markets in China and India, state-owned insurers, private foreign insurers

Insolvencies and the Regulatory Environment

In recent years there has been a dramatic increase in P&C insurer insolvencies. The NAIC has reported 20 companies who have become insolvent or triggered regulatory action in the first three months of 2004. This session will examine the issues surrounding insolvencies. What is the state of run-off today? Is the current regulatory environment effective in dealing with major insolvencies? One of our speakers, Michael Coutu, has formed his own company to deal with run-off business in the property-casualty industry. He is currently the acting CEO of The Kemper Insurance Companies and expects to take the same role with Trenwick America Reinsurance Company, pending regulatory approval. Michael will be joined by Fred Kist, Senior Vice President and Chief Actuary of The Kemper Insurance Companies.
Source: 2004 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Michael Coutu, Frederick Kist
Keywords: NAIC, regulatory, current regulatory environment, major insolvencies, run-off business in the property-casualty industry

How Do Rating Agencies Determine Insurance Company Ratings?

Rating agency opinions regarding appropriate capital levels have become increasingly important to property casualty insurers over the past few years, particularly in light of adverse loss development, asbestos reserves and changing market conditions. Our speaker will describe A.M. Best's BCAR model and the role it plays in determining a company's rating. He will also comment on the current state of the market and future expectations.
Source: 2004 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: John Andre
Keywords: Rating agency opinions, capital levels, property casualty insurers, adverse loss development, asbestos reserves and changing market conditions

Leadership Session 
Mergers & Acquisitions in the Property-Casualty Insurance Market

We are pleased to have two representatives of the CAS leadership to address CAGNY on current issues which the CAS Board and Executive Council are grappling with. Pat Teufel, a member of the CAS Board of Directors, will provide us with an overview of current issues including actuaries in the news, the future of the ACAS designation and research initiatives. Tom Myers, Vice President - Admissions, will update us on recent dramatic changes in the examination process.
Source: 2004 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Patricia Teufel, Thomas Myers
Keywords: current issues which the CAS Board and Executive Council are grappling with, current issues, Property-Casualty Insurance Market, Mergers & Acquisitions

Statement of Actuarial Opinion - Upcoming Changes

This session will cover changes to the Statement of Actuarial Opinion requirements and processes for 2004 and 2005. The anticipated areas of change include required discussion of significant risk of material adverse deviation, disclosure of the materiality standard used in judging material adverse deviation, the responsibilities of appointed actuaries to communicate directly with the auditor regarding testing of the actuarial data, preparation of a new document entitled the Actuarial Opinion Summary (AOS), and other issues.
Source: 2004 Regional Affiliate - CANE
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Thomas Ghezzi
Keywords: Statement of Actuarial Opinion

Advancing Student Achievement- a volunteer opportunity

Source: 2004 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate

Susan Rivera: Commentary on the Property-Casualty Industry

This session will feature remarks from Ms. Susan Rivera, President and CEO of ACE USA. Susan has a unique perspective to share, as she is the top executive at one of the leading property-casualty insurance companies in the U.S. as well as a credentialed actuary. During the session, Ms. Rivera will discuss her views on the property-casualty insurance market, how her actuarial skills have served her in her career, and her reliance on actuaries within ACE USA.
Source: 2004 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Susan Rivera
Keywords: Property-Casualty

Marine and Internet Liability

The property / casualty insurance market is dynamic and ever evolving. From the most venerable lines like Marine Insurance to developing frontiers like Internet Liability, there's always something new for actuaries to analyze. In this session we will hear from experts in these areas about current issues for their lines of business.
Source: 2004 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Richard Batchelder, Roger Howe
Keywords: Marine and Internet Liability

CAS Membership Changes

The CAS Board of Directors has received a report from a Task Force of the Board that includes a recommendation to no longer offer the Associateship class of membership (ACAS) in the CAS. This recommendation would take effect on a prospective basis, retaining the practice rights of all those who have earned the ACAS degree. The report also discusses transition issues as they affect current ACAS members and those on the path to ACAS. A copy of the report has been posted to the CAS website. The Board is seeking input from the membership before deciding what recommendation to make to the membership. The chair of the task force, Sheldon Rosenberg, will present the findings of the Task Force and be available for questions and comments.
Source: 2004 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Sheldon Rosenberg
Keywords: Property-Casualty

2004 Overview and Outlook for the P/C Insurance Industry

2004 has been an interesting year for the property casualty insurance industry. As we draw to year-end, our speaker, Dr. Robert Hartwig of the Insurance Information Institute, will offer his views on the year that was, as well as provide comments on issues that are sure to dominate the headlines in 2005. Catastrophes, TRIA, tort reform and the current softening of the market will be among the topics discussed.
Source: 2004 Regional Affiliate - CAGNY
Type: affiliate
Panelists: Robert Hartwig
Keywords: Property-Casualty