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Cyber Insurance Pricing

Cyber insurance is currently a growing line of business. However, insurers are just dipping their feet in the complexity of writing this coverage. With no prior insurance data, it is a challenge to price for cyber insurance without making numerous presumptions. Cyber insurance coverage also differs by industry and size of the insureds' operations. How do insurers differentiate pricing between different risks? Can cyber insurance coverage and rates be standardized, and what are the implications of doing so?
Source: 2018 Spring Meeting
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Peter Tomopoulos
Panelists: James Lynch, Eduard Alpin, Michael Doyle, Peter Del Prete

Regulatory Trends in the Age of Big Data

New administrations can bring a new approach to regulation at both the state and federal levels. At the same time, there is heightened national attention on big data, data analytics, and privacy issues surrounding data. As a result of these trends, regulatory interest in big data has evolved over the last decade at tremendous speed and may affect various aspects of the insurance product life cycle. Join this session to learn the latest regulatory challenges and trends, see how insurers can navigate the regulatory landscape given the emphasis on big data insights and analytics
Source: 2018 Spring Meeting
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Eric Hornick
Panelists: Robert Curry, Dorothy Andrews, James Weiss

Livin’ the Dream in Asia: How to Make a Smooth Transition to An Open Competition Environment

In various jurisdictions around the world, property/casualty insurance products are shifting from regulatory tariffs to competitive pricing. In some markets, the transitions have been smooth; others have seen marketplace turmoil and company failures. In Malaysia, the move to competitive products and prices is just beginning. China is undertaking a gradual shift for motor insurance after an early difficult transition. The regulatory, marketplace and individual company journey from a tariff environment to price competition are not unique to Malaysia and China. What can we learn from history? How can actuaries contribute to a smooth transition? Our panelists will tap into their diverse experience to share their observations and their ideas. This session will be in the format of a conversation among the panelists and with the audience. Bring your concerns, your views, and your notepad.
Source: 2018 Spring Meeting
Type: Concurrent Session
Panelists: Robert Conger, Daniel Johnston, Xiaoxuan (Sherwin) Li, Nurul (Syuhada) Nurazmi, Victor Li, Alex Butensky

Actuarial Trivia Challenge!

From the group that brought you Jeopardy!, Family Feud, and Who Wants To Be An Actuary?, the CAS Professionalism Education Committee presents the latest incarnation of its actuarial trivia format. Using the Kahoot app, audience members will answer a series of multiple-choice trivia questions that will test the depth of their knowledge on the profession’s professional standards. See if you can come out on top! Session participants should walk away from this session with a better understanding of ASOP’s, the Code of Conduct, and how to apply them when facing their own professional ethical dilemmas. This session may be counted as professionalism credit for continuing education.
Source: 2018 Spring Meeting
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Greg Fears
Panelists: Michael Starke, Andrew Dalgaard, Jeffrey Casaday, Kimberly Guerriero

Beyond Death by PowerPoint

Business experts agree that communications is a, if not the, key to success and increased income. The PPT slides are not “the presentation”, you are. This program is about the simple but essential steps, before putting bullet points on slides to insure you are targeting your audience, have a clear call to action, and a focused message which your audience will understand and remember.
Source: 2018 Spring Meeting
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Bill Wilt
Panelists: Tom Kennedy

ILS Workshop: Insurance-Linked Securities Workshop

*Pre-Registration is required for this workshop The Insurance-Linked Securities (ILS) Workshop will focus on the ILS and alternative capital market. The workshop will provide attendees with a networking and education opportunity that explores the key issues, instruments, and participants in the ILS market. Market-leading experts will lead a series of discussion panels, providing insight into key market issues such as the aftermath of the 2017 hurricane season; expansion of the market into new instruments and perils; and alternative capital’s role in the future of the reinsurance markets.
Source: 2018 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Workshop
Moderators: Bill Wilt
Panelists: Lixin Zeng, William Miller, Kathy Garrigan, Matthew Ball, William Dubinsky, James Doona, Liam Martens

CS17: Using New Data Sources in the Cyber Insurance Underwriting Process

The lack of reliable data continues to be one of the most vexing challenges in the cyber insurance underwriting process. Data gleaned from applications is incomplete and unreliable, much of the data available for purchase lacks important loss data, external, third-party security scores are limited and often contradict other underwriting analyses, and given the rapidly changing threat landscape and other technical factors, 20-50% of cyberrisk data becomes obsolete each year. Moreover, much of the available data correlates poorly with covered causes of loss and almost none of the data addresses the systemic nature of cyberrisk. In spite of all these challenges, there is actually more data available for use in the analysis of cyberrisks than ever before. The session will begin with a survey of several leading sources of cyberrisk data and their application to cyber underwriting. This will include an interactive discussion with participants regarding both the value and limitations of this data with regards to the underwriting process. This will be followed by a review of new sources of cyberrisk data and an interactive dialogue with participants exploring how they can be applied to the analysis of cyberrisk and the cyber insurance underwriting process.
Source: 2018 Underwriting Collaboration Seminar
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Mark Westmoreland
Panelists: Michael Solomon, Ben Goodman

CS13: NICB Digital Intelligence Collection — An Innovative Approach to Cat Response

The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) is conducting extensive testing in the area of digital catastrophic event response. The presentation will provide the audience with an overview of our capabilities focused on imagery collection, data collection and social media collection prior to, during and post-catastrophe. We will discuss the current state of testing, present results to date and discuss our future intentions. We will also discuss NICB efforts to utilize new technologies and predictive algorithms to build a disaster resiliency index and have some very exciting new developments showing operational applications of machine learning and artificial intelligence to the underwriting world as its being used by the members of the Geospatial Intelligence Center.
Source: 2018 Underwriting Collaboration Seminar
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Erin Olson
Panelists: James Schweitzer, Robert Galbraith, Ryan Bank

C-22: Agricultural Insurance Pricing Considerations

This session will look at the agriculture line of business with two highly experienced technical underwriters from the market. The session will focus on pricing considerations in the US, the impact of commodity prices on experience as well as challenges posed by both lack of data and/or the lack of credible data while underwriting the crop LOB.
Source: 2018 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Bill Wilt
Panelists: James (JD) Long, Avery Cook

LOB-5: California Workers’ Compensation – What’s Now? What's Next?

What better place than California to have a session on California Workers' Compensation! California’s $20 billion workers’ compensation system is the largest in the country and one of the most volatile. Two California workers’ compensation experts, WCIRB’s Executive Vice President, & Chief Actuary Dave Bellusci and CWCI’s President Alex Swedlow, will provide their perspectives on the latest emerging trends in the State including a new drug formulary, recent reforms impacting lien filings and utilization review and an increasing number of claims for cumulative trauma and how they could impact future cost and development levels.
Source: 2018 Casualty Loss Reserve Seminar (CLRS)
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Rajesh Sahasrabuddhe
Panelists: David Bellusci, Alex Swedlow

ST-2: Dude, where’s my ledger? Blockchains, DLTs, Partnerships, insurance use cases

This presentation will be an overview of blockchain technology, why it’s important to insurers and a review of active use case development in the insurance industry. Attendees in this session can expect: 1) An overview of blockchain technology 2) Why customers and insurers will care 3) Review insurance use cases utilizing blockchain technology 4) Learn about partnerships and industry consortiums leveraging blockchain technology
Source: 2018 Casualty Loss Reserve Seminar (CLRS)
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Donna Chung
Panelists: Dan Lafever, Vishal Garg

LOB-4: WCRI Research: Highlights and Trends in Workers Compensation

The Workers Compensation Research Institute (WCRI) will highlight its research including the relationship between opioid prescriptions and duration of temporary disability, changes in hospital reimbursement in selected states and recent interstate trends in opioid utilization..
Source: 2018 Casualty Loss Reserve Seminar (CLRS)
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: R. Scott Cederburg
Panelists: Ramona Tanabe

Update from Admissions

Hear about the latest developments in CAS Admissions, including the new MAS exams, Integrative Questions, and Technology-Based Examinations. Candidates and members are welcome to attend to interact with the presenters.
Source: 2018 Spring Meeting
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Bradley Drew
Panelists: Jason Russ, Jeanne Crowell

AR-1: Mack/Murphy Unchained

Twenty-five years ago, Mack (“Distribution Free”) and Murphy (“Unbiased LDFs”) published algorithms for estimating the uncertainty of chain-ladder projections. With few exceptions (e.g., Bardis/Majidi/Murphy "CLFM") not much development in that area has occurred since. Perhaps it is because AI is a much more exciting area in which to practice. This session will reintroduce the Mack/Murphy model for the purpose of attendees achieving the following three objectives: * Visualize the advantages and disadvantages of chain-ladder * Appreciate what happens when the model is applied to detailed data * Investigate alternative approaches
Source: 2018 Casualty Loss Reserve Seminar (CLRS)
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: R. Scott Cederburg
Panelists: Daniel Murphy

LOB-3: Rising Tides on Liability Lines: Monitoring the State of Loss Trends for Liability Claims

Claim costs on property lines of business have been receiving special attention since hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria swept through American Southeast and Caribbean. However, loss trends have been steadily ticking upwards in a soft rate environment for liability lines of business. These lines of business are deserving of equal attention, as the recent trends could potentially create stress for insurers exposed to these types of lines of business. This presentation assesses the current state of the liability market with a specific focus on drivers of recent loss trends, the current rate environment, and what trends insurers should expect to see in the coming years impacting liability lines of business.
Source: 2018 Casualty Loss Reserve Seminar (CLRS)
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: R. Scott Cederburg
Panelists: James Votta, Philip Natoli, Peter Venetis

C-4: Cyber Liability Insurance - A Global View

This panel discussion is designed to inform the audience on current trends in the cyber industry from a global point of view. It is expected to be interactive with the audience. This experienced panel will share both underwriting and pricing parameters that are essential to this fast growing segment of the insurance industry. This panel is expected to explore potential modeling techniques as well as threat scenarios including the effect of “Dark web”.
Source: 2018 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Bill Wilt
Panelists: Athula Alwis, Conrad Williams

C-2: Developing Treaty Experience to Ultimate

Reinsurance pricing actuaries often have to develop losses on treaty experience where the treaty is not a standard annual losses occurring or annual risks attaching treaty. For example, how should the actuary adjust LDF for a 15 month effective losses occurring treaty? Another common variant is a cut-off risks attaching treaty, which starts off as a policy year and then stops cold at the end of the first year. This is similar to a policy year, although exposures only accumulate for a year. This session will start with a broader general insights about how exposure patterns impact loss development. The discussion will then proceed to show how to use an accident year curve and some equations to approximate development of losses for treaties with non-standard exposures.
Source: 2018 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: James Ramenda

ST-1: Optimizing Reserve Segmentation with Cluster Analysis

Reserve analyses are normally performed on a variety of segments of business, with segments often defined based on line of business or policy type. But how do we know if the segmentation we are using is optimal? Are we using the right criteria, and the appropriate granularity to define our segments? Too few segments could mean sacrificing accuracy, but too many segments could mean a lack of credibility and unnecessary work for reserving actuaries. This session will use a simplified example to demonstrate how clustering methods can helps us decide how to properly segment risks for reserve analyses.
Source: 2018 Casualty Loss Reserve Seminar (CLRS)
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Joe Milicia
Panelists: John Avitabile, Jay Cooke

LOB-2: Investor Funded Litigation: Leveling the Playing Field or Funding the Takedown

This presentation explores one of the newest and fastest growing “spaces” in investment opportunities: investing in litigation funding. In addition to a “behind the scenes” view of this practice, including its origins and current marketing goals, we will address the immediate effect on current and pending litigation. What control, if any, do the funders have in directing specific cases? Is there an ethical “grey area” between passive investment and the realities of settlement decision making? We will look at all of these areas and also review current and prospective legislation affecting litigation funding in the US and abroad.
Source: 2018 Casualty Loss Reserve Seminar (CLRS)
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Joe Milicia
Panelists: Jonathan Colman

C-14: Purchase Accounting PGAAP, IFRS and Capital Charges: Impacts to the Reinsurance Industry

The reinsurance industry has experienced significant activity in the mergers and acquisition arena. This session focuses on the purchase accounting ramifications associated with mergers and acquisition activity. IFRS accounting has also been implemented which affects the reinsurance industry. This session will also focus on how IFRS will impact the reinsurance actuarial community.
Source: 2018 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Elaine Lajeunesse
Panelists: John Ferrara

C-19: Tax Reform and the Insurance/Reinsurance Industry

The current federal government administration has instituted tax reform. The tax reform act has a great impact on the reinsurance business. It affects both inter-company deals, as well as, where companies will operate its reinsurance business and hire its employees.
Source: 2018 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Bill Wilt
Panelists: Scott Williamson, Paul Phillips

C-13: Structured Reinsurance Refresher: Motivations, Features, Examples, And Risk Transfer Considerations

An overview of the current state of structured reinsurance, including general characteristics of structured deals, client motivations, examples of transactions, and risk transfer considerations.
Source: 2018 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Ahmad Shadman
Panelists: Kenneth Kruger, Joshua Fishman

Worldwide Tropical Cyclone Activity Measured Using the Actuaries Climate Index Methodology

Winning paper from 2018 Climate Change Call for Papers. Accumulated cyclone energy (ACE) has been used by NOAA and others as a measure of the strength and duration of tropical cyclones and their seasonal activity. The Actuaries Climate Index (ACI) was launched in 2016 for the U.S. and Canada, as a measure of changes in climate and coastal sea level in those countries. A component measuring tropical cyclone activity is not included in the ACI, since the low frequency of landfalling events is not suitable for a regional index. On a global basis, however, an index measuring tropical cyclone activity over land and water could be particularly useful to actuaries with an interest in monitoring changes in tropical cyclone activity. Using the ACI methodology, this paper shows the results of a global index of tropical cyclone activity based on ACE data. Based on the index, trends in worldwide tropical cyclone activity over the period with good data (1985 – 2017) have been flat to downward, but this time period is not sufficiently long for a credible conclusion on trends.
Source: 2018 Spring Meeting
Type: Concurrent Session
Panelists: Douglas Collins

C-10: Geoscience Review (Livestream)

This session will focus on the major natural catastrophe events of 2017. The events include hurricane Harvey and Irma, the California wildfires, and a specific emphasis on lessons learned and thoughts for the future from a Geoscience perspective. A comparison of the two storms will highlight the differences in the storm characteristics and the ultimate impact of building code enforcement, demographic shifts, and urban planning. Additionally, we'll review the unique characteristics (Gray Swan) of the Tubbs fire regarding urban conflagration and wind speeds. Lastly, we'll cover general observations regarding climate change and the impact of future perils/events.
Source: 2018 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Ahmad Shadman
Panelists: Mark Bove

SP-1: CAS Student Program

The Casualty Actuarial Society is pleased to offer its annual Student Program at the Seminar on Reinsurance. University students are invited to network with practicing actuaries, learn more about reinsurance and the property and casualty industry, and participate in student-specific sessions offering career guidance. The CAS hosts up to 30 university students for complimentary one-day programs at five CAS events annually. The goal is to strengthen the partnership between practicing actuaries and the actuarial academic community because it is vital to the long-term success of the actuarial profession.
Source: 2018 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Ahmad Shadman
Panelists: Daniel Fernandez, Caitlyn Lia