
New research papers released
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CAS News, Press Releases, Publications & Research
Race and Insurance Papers Phase II
CAS News, Diversity, Membership / Notices to Members, Publications & Research
Membership / Notices to Members, Publications & Research
Hacktuary Challenge
CAS News, Publications & Research
The Casualty Actuarial Society yesterday announced the winners of the first-ever CAS Hacktuary Challenge, a contest designed to showcase the actuarial skill set in developing novel risk engineering solutions. Entrants were challenged to create an end-user application that would be actuarially grounded but address a risk management problem of relevance to a typical consumer. The challenge also required that all code for the application be made publicly available on the CAS’s GitHub site.
CAS News, Membership / Notices to Members, Publications & Research
A new Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) Research Paper provides the first detailed road map for understanding and quantifying the impact of wildfire mitigation on homeowners insurance premiums. Catastrophe Models for Wildfire Mitigation: Quantifying Credits and Benefits to Homeowners and Communities explores the need for catastrophe models to perform the quantification of mitigation efforts, outlines actuarial considerations and approaches for developing wildfire mitigation premium credits, and describes challenges in obtaining data and implementing mitigation premium credits.
Membership / Notices to Members, Publications & Research
Membership / Notices to Members, Publications & Research
The Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) and the CAS Reinsurance Research Working Group are pleased to extend a call for papers. The goal of this program is to facilitate the publication of clear, practical, accessible papers on reinsurance topics.
Membership / Notices to Members, Publications & Research
Diversity, Membership / Notices to Members, Publications & Research
AR cover - Research in Action
Membership / Notices to Members, Publications & Research
Membership / Notices to Members, Publications & Research
CAS News, Exams & Admissions, Publications & Research