
New research papers released
Diversity, Membership / Notices to Members, Publications & Research, Research
CAS News, Press Releases, Publications & Research
Race and Insurance Papers Phase II
CAS News, Diversity, Membership / Notices to Members, Publications & Research
Membership / Notices to Members, Publications & Research
The CAS Research Council is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) to assess how cyber insurers should price the prospective coverage given the limited history and recent trend of increasing loss costs.
Membership / Notices to Members, Publications & Research
The CAS Research Council is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) to generate a brief which discusses the challenges associated with sharing and/or implementing actuarial models.
Membership / Notices to Members, Publications & Research
Nominations should identify an individual who has made significant personal contributions, and describe how their contributions have helped the advancement of casualty science and practice.
CAS News, Global Updates, Membership / Notices to Members, Publications & Research
The Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) and the Actuarial Institute of Chinese Taipei (AICT) invite you to be a part of the 2022 Joint Property/Casualty and Health Actuarial Seminar scheduled for September 15-16, 2022, in Taipei.
March-April 2022 Actuarial Review Cover
CAS News, Publications & Research
Read the latest issue of the Actuarial Review!
CAS News, Membership / Notices to Members, Publications & Research
CAS News, Membership / Notices to Members, Publications & Research
CAS News, Exams & Admissions, Publications & Research
Future Fellows is a quarterly newsletter from the Candidate Advocate Working Group. Read the latest edition here!
image of research paper covers
CAS News, Diversity, Press Releases, Publications & Research
Research reports designed to guide the insurance industry toward proactive, quantitative solutions to identify, measure and address potential racial bias in insurance pricing were published by the Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) today.
Membership / Notices to Members, Publications & Research
The CAS is pleased to release the Winter 2022 E-Forum, which includes a report of the CAS Machine Learning Working Party titled “Machine Learning in Insurance.” This edition also features two submissions in response to the 2021 Call for Ratemaking Essays, conducted by the CAS Ratemaking Working Group.