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Building Communication Skills Through Improvisation

Using fundamental exercises from the theater genre of improvisation, attendees will interact with this session's facilitator to examine business communications. The facilitator will guide attendees with suggestions to improve their communication and negotiation skills. In small groups, attendees will participate in improvisational exercises that emphasize the importance of listening in communication. Attendees will: • Learn to communicate and negotiate more effectively with colleagues and clients. • Gain a better understanding of both the input and output of communication. • Examine their confidence in communicating and negotiating. • Improve their communication and negotiation skills. No experience with improvisation is required.
Source: 2017 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Panelists: Bruce Fell, Robert Morand

Cybersecurity Meets Reinsurance: Modeling an Evolving Risk Landscape

This session’s panel discussion centers on the emergence of cyberrisk, its corresponding cyber reinsurance market, and the challenges presented to insurers and reinsurers by this new and dynamic landscape. Session panelists will also talk about how cybersecurity efforts and traditional insurance practices are intersecting to create comprehensive product suites that help insurers address uncertainty in writing cyberrisk. Panel speakers come from insurance and reinsurance backgrounds and have experience spanning quantitative research and analysis, model creation and insurance underwriting.
Source: 2017 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Panelists: Joshua Pyle, Daniel Jaeger, Christopher Shafer

Climate Change Risks and Opportunities for Actuaries

This session will explore how climate change risks are measured scientifically, and in what ways the insurance industry could play a larger role in managing these risks. In an accessible manner and assuming no scientific background from the audience, we will review and discuss some recent results from climate science presented in the Fifth Assessment Report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC AR5). In particular, we will look at both observed, documented changes in the climate, as well as projected future changes based on climate models. Next, we will turn our attention to the three potential responses -- mitigation, adaptation, and geoengineering -- and ask which provides the largest opportunity for the insurance industry. Finally, we will explore a relatively new financial product known as a weather derivative, and discuss how it can be used to manage weather risk. This last part of this session is based on the 2015 Variance paper "Incorporating Spatial Dependence and Climate Change Trends for Measuring Long-Term Temperature Derivative Risk.
Source: 2017 Spring Meeting
Type: Concurrent Session
Panelists: Beverly Phillips, Robert Erhardt

Research Corner

Hosted by the CAS Reinsurance Research Committee, the Research Corner is a forum to present preliminary reports on works in progress or recently completed. Research Corner participants can pose new problems and demonstrate innovative practical approaches. Individual investigators as well as representatives of research working parties and other groups are encouraged to participate. There is no need to preregister — “walk-in” speakers are most welcome, though advance notice is appreciated whenever possible. Speakers should plan on having 10 to 15 minutes to make their presentations. Attendees who would like to present their work during this session are invited to contact the moderator.
Source: 2017 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Panelists: Gerard Palisi

Agricultural Insurance: MPCI, Crop Hail and Asia

This session will discuss updates on the U.S. federal crop insurance, including what to look for from the new administration. This will be followed by a discussion about private crop hail products and their impact to reinsurers. The next section will discuss the Chinese and Indian agricultural insurance markets and the opportunities for reinsurers. This will be followed by Q&A from the audience.
Source: 2017 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Panelists: Carl Ashenbrenner, Subhayu Bose, HongTao Wang

Insurtech and Insurance Market Disruption

Often considered an “old-fashioned” or “traditional” business, recent advancements in technology and data capture have made the insurance industry ripe for innovation and disruption. This session will explain what insurtech is while showing some examples of how it will help shape the future of this industry.
Source: 2017 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Panelists: matteo carbone

Economic Capital Modeling — Practitioners' Perspective

This session will aim to provide a practitioners' guide to economic capital modeling. The speakers will provide their working perspectives from a mutual, stock and reinsurance company.
Source: 2017 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Panelists: Ronald Wilkins, Subhayu Bose, Brian Neitzel, Alessandro Papa

Mortgage Credit Risk Modeling and Analytics

As an expansion to the mortgage credit risk sharing session, this session will focus on the modeling of mortgage credit risk in greater detail. The panel consists of leading modelers in the mortgage insurance industry who will compare and contrast mortgage credit risk modeling with traditional property/casualty lines of business.
Source: 2017 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Panelists: Isaac Espinoza, Benjamin Walker, Michael Jacobson, Daniel Swanson

Mortgage Credit Risk Sharing Opportunities

The Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgage risk sharing credit insurance transactions have expanded the opportunities for reinsurers to participate in the mortgage credit risk markets. This session will highlight characteristics of the unique risk exposures contained in the transactions and current opportunities in the credit risk-sharing market as well as potential avenues for market evolution. After introductory presentations, the session will consist of questions to the panel from the moderator and audience participants.
Source: 2017 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Panelists: Michael Schmitz, Joe Monaghan, Robert Schaefer, Steven Hu

U.S. Flood Insurance: Current NFIP and Public Policy Issues

With congressional reauthorization of the NFIP scheduled later this year, the panel will discuss current events and public policy issues pertaining to the NFIP. Panelists will present an overview of NFIP modeling and various analyses of NFIP data, including the modeling completed for the Flood Insurance Risk Studies initially mandated by the 2012 Biggert Waters Act. Applications to revenue adequacy projections, reinsurance value, and relative flood exposure by zone will be discussed. The panel will discuss U.S. flood insurance take-up rates and public policy implications, the recent NFIP reinsurance transaction, and current FEMA activities and priorities for NFIP management.
Source: 2017 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Panelists: Jonathan Hayes, Andy Neal, John Kulik, Carolyn Kousky

Home Insurance Industry Loss Trends

This roundtable discussion will focus on the top emerging economic trends in the home insurance industry, across time and geography, as based on peril-specific historical loss information from approximately 470 million house years over six years. The discussion will include the impact to current market conditions, how home insurance industry dynamics are evolving, what the next step of that evolutions will likely be, and how to be prepared for it.
Source: 2017 Ratemaking and Product Management Seminar
Type: Roundtable
Panelists: Tyson Horn

Climate Change Task Force

What challenges have you faced in using cat models, including flood? How might the Actuaries Climate Index/Actuaries Climate Risk Index help you?
Source: 2017 Ratemaking and Product Management Seminar
Type: Roundtable
Panelists: W. MacGinnitie

Wellness Data, the Next UBI?

Sleeping on the job has never been a fast track to success, but sleeping on the way to the job may lead to an early and unscheduled retirement. Research found that more than one-in-five fatal car accidents in the United States involves a drowsy driver. P/C insurers have long offered discounts to policyholders who attend defensive-driving courses or submit to telemetric examination of their driving habits with usage-based insurance (UBI) devices. Unfortunately, those approaches achieve only limited success because they focus on behaviors surrounding the insured asset, and not a policyholder’s larger decisions about wellness. A more effective approach might address how to minimize underlying risk factors that cause or contribute to P/C losses. This session will bring various perspectives on the relationship between “Wellness Data” and property and casualty risk, and illustrate how P/C insurers may take a nod from life insurers and potentially apply modeling to new data sources such as wearables to help improve underwriting and marketing.
Source: 2017 Spring Meeting
Type: Concurrent Session
Panelists: Lin Xing, Marc Paquin

New Car Insurance Challenges and Opportunities from Shared Mobility

As shared mobility increases in prevalence, insurers are grappling with extending traditional liability coverage to less traditional driver situations.  For example, when a non-car owner uses a car from one of a number of shared mobility providers, the amount of liability coverage may vary substantially.  Expected discussion topics for this roundtable include coverages provided by various shared mobility companies, international product offerings that could be instructive to U.S. companies, and potential applications of UBI in addressing the insurance-related challenges of shared mobility.
Source: 2017 Ratemaking and Product Management Seminar
Type: Roundtable
Panelists: Allen Greenberg

TED Talks - Technology Developments Affecting Insurance

This session will feature three short discussions on Industry issues in the format of TED talks. What are TED talks? They are sessions that short enough to hold people's attention, but precise enough to be taken seriously. We have assembled a group of Industry pioneers who will be talking about their experiences. Three topics planned for this session will be: 1. Going from an idea/concept to raising capital to ultimately launching a viable product in the insurance space. 2. What is blockchain? Some say it's as revolutionary as the internet in the way it may change the way we do business. 3. The final topic will discuss the latest trends in our sharing economy (like Uber) and the impact on risk management and insurance.
Source: 2017 Spring Meeting
Type: General Session
Panelists: David Cummings, Chad Nitschke, Magdalena Sarasola, Ben Stinson

Improving Actuarial Reserve Analysis Through Predictive Analytics

Reserving techniques such as triangle analysis dominate current actuarial practice. However, there is much to be gained by analyzing claims experience with analytics. Advances in predictive modeling are allowing companies to detect patterns in data which were not able to be detected in the past. In this session, the presenters will illustrate some of the approaches and the benefits of using predictive modeling techniques in actuarial reserving. This session will include case studies to visualize additional insight to traditional reserving techniques by analyzing changes in case reserve adequacy or assisting with reserve segmentation, to a full reserve development model based on individual claim development and emergence behavior over the life of a claim.
Source: 2017 Spring Meeting
Type: Concurrent Session
Panelists: Claudine Modlin, Christopher Gross

Lights! Camera! Professionalism!

Come enjoy the acting of some fine fellow actuaries who will take on several skits involving professional dilemmas. The skits are updated for 2017, but as always they will lead to some lively and educational audience discussions. You will walk away from this session with a better understanding of the ASOPs, codes of conduct and how to apply them when you face your own professional ethical dilemmas. This session may provide attendees with Professionalism Continuing Education credits.
Source: 2017 Spring Meeting
Type: Concurrent Session
Panelists: Patricia Teufel, Michael Chen, Kimberly Guerriero

Who Wants To Be An Actuary?

Come refresh your knowledge of actuarial professionalism in this interactive session! This trivia game will cover a number of topics including a review of the code of conduct and ASOPs, helping you determine what you know and what you might want to review. Who said professionalism can’t be fun? This session may provide attendees with Professionalism Continuing Education credits.
Source: 2017 Spring Meeting
Type: Concurrent Session
Panelists: Peter Royek, Jeffrey Casaday, Ryan Hartman

Presenting to Non-Actuaries

This session will be an interactive discussion that will utilize live polling and Q&A to discuss real life situations in which communication & presentation style was integral to the outcome of a discussion. Different audiences and generations require varying communication strategies (i.e. consultants vs. company actuaries vs. academic setting vs. student/employer interaction). Effective presentation skills will be visited in the context of the specific audience, goals, and motivations of that session. Various scenarios and points of view from the panelists and the audience will be incorporated. Resources for self-improvement of communication and presentation skills will be suggested. No prior knowledge is required.
Source: 2017 Spring Meeting
Type: Concurrent Session
Panelists: Aaron Hillebrandt, Jeffrey Zheng, David Prevo

Expanding the Toolbox: Technological Tools for Today’s and Tomorrow’s Markets

As the world becomes increasingly more analytics-driven, the number of resources available to analyze and summarize data has also increased. Further, existing tools frequently relied on by actuaries such as Excel and SAS may no longer be the most suitable analytics options. From Python to Tableau, the Cloud, and beyond; from predictive modeling to dashboards used for reporting, this session will allow participants to discuss ways in which new technology can be leveraged to meet the analytics needs of today’s and tomorrow’s insurance industry.
Source: 2017 Ratemaking and Product Management Seminar
Type: Roundtable
Panelists: Eric Krafcheck

Automated Vehicles and their Impact on Vehicle Insurance

Auto manufacturers and technology companies have been working on technology that in the not too distant future will permit vehicles to effectively drive themselves. These changes hold out the possibility of revolutionizing vehicular transportation and significantly reducing the number of auto accidents. However, the road to a future populated with automated vehicles raises significant issues about how the insurance market will be structured in such a future and how it will function. This session will discuss the issues and problems raised, and explore their possible implications.
Source: 2017 Ratemaking and Product Management Seminar
Type: Roundtable
Panelists: Patrick Woods

Cyber Pricing and Data

This is a discussion regarding cyber pricing methodology and potential solutions to some of the key challenges faced in quantifying the risk. 
Source: 2017 Ratemaking and Product Management Seminar
Type: Roundtable
Panelists: Nicholas Irwin

Implementing Predictive Models: Integration of Rules and Models in Technology

Roundtable discussion will focus on ideas and importance of integrating rules and models into existing technology. Underwriting models and rules need to be aligned and leverage consistent account data to enable straight through processing.
Source: 2017 Ratemaking and Product Management Seminar
Type: Roundtable
Panelists: Gary Ciardiello, Christine Heiderich

Predicting Modeling Pitfalls: Challenges in Application

There are many success stories featuring Predictive Models, but there are also numerous cautionary tales in which the results of well-constructed models were misunderstood, misapplied or not adopted at all. This session will feature several short and entertaining stories illustrating common pitfalls in getting business value from Predictive Models. Participants will be also be invited to share their own hard-learned lessons.
Source: 2017 Ratemaking and Product Management Seminar
Type: Roundtable
Panelists: Kimberly Holmes

Product Development

This workshop will explore the different stages of product development with hands on exercises for the attendee. Industry leaders will serve as facilitators to review historical processes and to help guide the attendees throughout the day. Attendees will work in teams to develop fictitious products that will be discussed and integrated into the facilitator's lesson plans.
Source: 2017 Ratemaking and Product Management Seminar
Type: Workshop
Panelists: Serhat Guven, Don Hendriks, Kelly Cusick, Thomas Hess