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G3 - Applying ERM Techniques to Enhance Cyber Security: Twitter Case Study

Source: 2016 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: General Session
Moderators: Jed Isaman
Panelists: Ross Graber,Jed Isaman,Sim Segal

G2 - SIFI or Not, Here They Come: Impacts of New Fed Regulatory Scrutiny

Source: 2016 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: General Session
Moderators: Paul G Cardon
Panelists: Jing Huang,Brian Peters,Robert Boyle,Michael Bohm,Paul Cardon

G1 - ERM at Non-Corporate Entities: U.N. Case Study

Source: 2016 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: General Session
Moderators: Sim Segal
Panelists: Stefano Losi

C21 - Third Party Risk Management: War Stories and Leading Practices

The risk presented by third party suppliers and vendors is broader and potentially more impactful than ever before. With the Internet of Things and a trend towards outsourcing, the enterprise level risk presented by third parties is a conversation being held in Boardrooms of every industry. Regulators, rating agencies, shareholders and clients are wanting more visibility and clear evidence that critical third parties have adopted the appropriate information security as well as other operational risk controls. This session will share best practices in managing third party risk as well as examples about what has and could go wrong when your third parties become a point of exposure.
Source: 2016 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Randi Woods Webber
Panelists: Randi Woods Webber,Scott Margolis,David Miles

C20 - Using ERM to Manage Interactivity Between Operational Risk, Reserve Risk, and Underwriting Risk

Source: 2016 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Kevin Madigan
Panelists: Kevin Madigan,Mario DiCaro

C19 - Using Economic Capital Models to Manage the Business

Insurance companies manage their business to multiple metrics, of which economic capital (EC), or internal capital, may be one. However, in general terms across the industry there is a widely held view that EC when calculated may not be getting as widely used as it might be to genuinely play a major role in the management of the business. In this session, we will discuss the state of the US life and annuity industry with regard to adopting and using EC measures. We will highlight some typical barriers to successful implementation and use of an EC program, as well as some practical approaches for improvement. Reference will also be made to usage of modeling techniques (such as proxy modeling) to help speed up EC runs and enable more rapid and advanced analytics, as well as more process orientated aspects of EC such as embedding EC culture throughout the organization and getting Board and line-of-business buy-in to EC.
Source: 2016 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Anna Berezovskaya
Panelists: Anna Berezovskaya,Anthony Dardis,Ivan Parker

C18 - Skills Needed to Become and Remain an Effective CRO

The actuarial/technical career path is a great start, but if you want to be a CRO, there's a lot more to learn. This session will help identify the gaps in traditional actuarial training for someone wanting to end up in the CRO chair.
Source: 2016 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: David Schraub
Panelists: Elaine Lajeunesse,David Schraub,Randi Woods Webber,Sharon Giffen

C17 - Risk Modeling for Insurers: Real-World Assets and Risk-Neutral Liabilities

Insurance asset risk is often assessed using risk-neutral generators which start with economic scenario generators designed for pricing hedge products. This is a sound way of pricing, and gives consistent risk loading to a wide range of products. However for insurance risk management the distribution of asset value changes when holding a fixed portfolio is often the key issue. For this, real world probabilities are needed. Financial industry ESGs may not adapt well to a real world environment - lognormal distributions for example can work well for pricing but are too skewed for actual risk analysis. The best real-world models require numerical methods, but fairly good generators, beating most in the market, can be built in Excel. This session will look at scenario generators for interest rates, credit spreads, inflation, and equities. Performance of some generators will be compared to historical data. Then probability transforms that are applied to insurance pricing and capital allocation will be reviewed.
Source: 2016 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: David Payne
Panelists: David Payne,Gary Venter

C16 - Research Papers

Source: 2016 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: James Ramenda
Panelists: Kailan Shang,Damon Levine,James Ramenda

C14 - Integrating Operational Risk Management into a Broader ERM Program

Source: 2016 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: John Manistre
Panelists: Randi Woods Webber,Ken Radigan,B. John Manistre

C13 - Model Risk Management in the Insurance Industry

Model Risk Management is evolving beyond simple model governance and validation. This presentation surveys advanced practices. Topics covered include model risk scoring, uses of model risl scores, integration of data quality and model quality assessments, model system identification and analysis, and capital buffers for model risk.
Source: 2016 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Kathryn Hyland
Panelists: Kathryn Hyland,Hsiu-Mei Chang

C12 - Interest Rate Risk: Practical Techniques for Risk Scenario Development

Source: 2016 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Max Rudolph
Panelists: Matthew Clark,Max Rudolph

C11 - IAA Risk Book: Documentation and Development of Emerging Tools and Best Practices

The current chair of the International Actuarial Association's Insurance Regulation Committee will present and discuss the drafted chapters of the IAA's Risk Book including: Actuarial Function, Model Governance, ORSA and Professional Standards. The discussion will also focus on Operational Risk, Catastrophe Risk, Distribution Risk, Reinsurance & Groups. Finally the session will close with a look at future chapters of the Risk Book which will address Framework Processes such as Resolution of Insolvencies, Capital, Stress Testing, ALM and Financial Statements. This interactive session will allow attendees to give constructive feedback on the Risk Book Project as to what else could or should be included.
Source: 2016 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Dave Sandberg
Panelists: Dave Sandberg,Stuart Wason

C10 - Fostering the Future: Sustainable ERM for Sustainable Business

Source: 2016 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Stanislav Eratt
Panelists: Fan Yang,Stanislav Eratt

C9 - Operational Risk Scenarios Analysis: A Structured Approach

Quantifying operational risk has always been a challenge for risk management professionals. Even with the availability of good quality data, modelers and risk management professionals have struggled with this activity. Scenario Analysis has been the approach used by some to overcome the limitations posed by data driven approaches by incorporating sound business judgment in quantifying risk exposures. Structured Scenario Analysis (SSA) attempts to make the estimation process more objective and transparent and thus represents an advancement over the traditional approach to conducting scenario analysis. This session will outline the approach used to create a Structured Scenario Analysis program at TIAA. The session will cover the following topics: ? Operational risk overview. ? Quantifying operational risk: approaches and supervisory guidance. ? Scenario analysis: traditional vs. structured. ? Structured scenario analysis: approach, illustration, lessons learned.
Source: 2016 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: David Paul
Panelists: Andrew Kramer,David Paul,Karthik Ramakrishnan

C8 - Effective Risk Reporting for CROs

A panel of seasoned risk practitioners will present their views on what makes for effective risk reporting for Insurance CROs. What reports are most useful for running the business? What makes for risk dashboards that will be useful for a senior management and Board-level audience? What are some of the issues that insurers face in getting metrics and reports produced quickly? What is the current state of risk reporting in the industry and what are the main areas that companies are investing time and resources into for future enhancement? The panel will consider recent developments both domestically in North America, and from an international perspective.
Source: 2016 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Anthony Dardis
Panelists: Anthony Dardis,Neil Cantle,David Raszeja,Sharon Giffen

C7 - Connective Tissue: Linking Enterprise-Level Risk Appetite and Day-to-Day Risk Management

Source: 2016 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Manolis Bardis
Panelists: Manolis Bardis,Sandra Ross,Peter Schwanke

C6 - Comparing ERM Practices in Banking and Insurance Sectors

How to navigate through the Looking Glass of Risk Management for Banking and Insurance.
Source: 2016 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Thomas Wilson
Panelists: Thomas Wilson

C5 - Big Data Applications for Catastrophe Modeling and Their Impact on ERM

Source: 2016 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Robert Reville
Panelists: Andrea Scascighini,Lisa Gallagher

C4 - Aligning ERM, Strategic Planning, and Board Priority-Setting Process: Case Study

Source: 2016 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Helene Baril
Panelists: Ella Young,Helene Baril

C3 - Addressing Cyber-Security Risks in an ERM Context: Case Study

This session will discuss cyber-security risk as just one example of a material operational risk, and how an adequate ERM framework can manage it. Discussion will include the board's role in managing the risk, and the NACD and NAIC principles regarding this risk. We will briefly talk about the cyber environment in the health insurance sector and the potential for cyber risk to be the motivator for health insurers to see real value in ERM. We will also include a discussion of the current cyber insurance market, the use of such insurance to manage the risk, and a case study of how a company used their ERM framework to manage this risk.
Source: 2016 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Kevin Madigan
Panelists: Kevin Madigan,Thomas Wilson,Anthony Dagostino

C2 - Adapting ERM Framework to Firm Size, Complexity, and Culture

ERM programs vary given the size and complexity of an organization. In this session, we contrast the ERM Frameworks from a large multinational insurer and a small/mid-size domestic insurer. We highlight how ERM is embedded in decision making, the extent of the risk network within the organization and the external/internal pressures that can influence risk priorities. As well, we demonstrate the challenges of establishing a centralized ERM function within a small/mid-size insurer and provide insights on how to get buy in.
Source: 2016 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Elaine Lajeunesse
Panelists: Elaine Lajeunesse,Rishi Kapur,Michel Fournier

C1 - Ninth Annual Emerging Risk Survey

This session will review the 9th annual survey of emerging risks, sharing new information learned and comments from risk practitioners. This survey has produced revealing comments about the current status of ERM and how it has evolved. Cognitive biases and practitioner comments of what parts of ERM work and what doesn't work can be incorporated into future developments. We also look at advances in the development of dynamic risk monitoring and risk management design which facilitate greater resilience in the face of emerging risk.
Source: 2016 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Matthew Clark
Panelists: Matthew Clark,Max Rudolph,Neil Cantle

Construction Defect Claims: Still Hammering the Industry?

Actuaries today recognize that construction defect (CD) claims are no longer an unusual occurrence but are now considered the norm. Our panels will discuss best practices for analyzing construction defect claims and present findings to a construction defect survey of 10 to 15 companies on trends and observations regarding current CD claims. Topics to include: CD claim count frequency and severity trends, recent class action on construction materials, legislative changes, important court decisions, coverage changes and other items relevant for the CD reserving (and pricing) actuary.
Source: 2016 Casualty Loss Reserve Seminar (CLRS)
Moderators: R. Scott Cederburg
Panelists: Ronald Kozlowski, Patrick Yu, Scott Hornyak

GIS for Actuaries

This workshop is intended to introduce actuaries to the wonderful world of geographic information science (GIS). GIS can be used to visualize insurance data at a range of scales all the way down to the policy or location level. Additional applications include appending third-party data, enhancing analysis using geographic relationships, and the creation of customized or granular rating territories. The first part will be a lecture on GIS basics such as data types, geocoding addresses, locating and using third-party data, cartographic representation, and simple geoprocessing workflows. The second half will be a hands-on tutorial taught in ArcGIS for Desktop. Instructions on software and data installation will be provided to all participants that pre-register.
Source: 2016 Ratemaking and Product Management Seminar
Type: Workshop
Panelists: Garrett Bradford